to ensure proper fit and comfort for the patient.
5. Inform the patient about the goal and the expected results of the monitoring and about the use of the monitor.
5. Retrieve Data
1. Remove the monitor and the cuff from the returned patient.
2. Plug the monitor to the computer using the USB optical cable.
3. Highlight the correct patient’s name from the database.
4. Click on Device Read Data or click on the “Read Data” icon.
5. Once the data is downloaded the software will open the examination file.
6. Customize, Review & Print Data
1 Customize your standard report
EasyABPM: Tools Settings Report
2. Create and save or print the report, by clicking on File Print Review
3. Patient should follow up with their physician to discuss the results
7. Manual Programming
ABP-01 if programmed manually can be used by EasyABPM Software. Plans are stored in the inbuilt memory of the
device and they cannot be changed. The following three measurement plans can be selected during the programming
of the device:
PLAN A): measurements every 15 minutes at day and every 30 minutes at night.
PLAN B): measurements every 20 minutes at day and 40 minutes at night.
PLAN C): 30-minute periods independent of day or night time.
Other settings are the same in all the three plans: undecided cuff size, 300 mmHg pressure limit, LCD display enabled,
manual day/night shift disabled. Daytime starts at 6:00, while nighttime starts at 22:00, special session is disabled.
Patient data can be selected or created later in the database.
How To Program Manually
Press and hold the START and the DAY/NIGHT buttons simultaneously. Measurement
frequency of the measurement plans will be displayed after 10 seconds for 3-3 seconds.
To choose the measurement plan, release the buttons when the specific plan is displayed.
You will hear two beeps and the LCD will display four blinking “o” letters, which
indicates that programming the device is in progress. After successful programming you
can hear 5 beeps, and the selected plan can be seen again. If programming fails for some
reason, the E90 error code will be displayed on the LCD.
Imprecise, when programing manually, the time of measurements may be false. If you want to use the manual
programming function, do not leave the device without batteries for a long period.This happens, insert batteries
again into the device, set the inner clock by programming the device by a PC and leave the batteries in the device (the
suggested period is 24 hours).
The first measurement has a controlling purpose and it starts in the second minute after programming, then other
measurements cannot be started in the next five minutes. The rest of the measurements are taken at specific