Biochrom Anthos Fluido-2 Microplate Washer v2.0
Page 55
Screen 58. Plate Format Selection
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Esc" to return to the main menu without saving any changes or
"<<" to return to the previous screen.
<+> or <->
Use these keys to toggle between 8-strip, 12-strip and 16-strip plate.
Confirm the selection of plate format and go to the next screen.
Screen 59.Well Shape Selection
Function keys:
<F1> or <F2>
Select "Esc" to return to the main menu without saving any changes or
"<<" to return to the previous screen.
<+> or <->
Use these keys to toggle between flat- and round-bottom plates.
Confirm the selection of well shape and go to the next screen.
Screen 60. Center Position Entry
This menu appears only if a round-bottom plate is selected. For round
bottom plates it is recommended to position the aspiration needle in the
center of the well. The center position may be defined by "teach-in" (move
the plate to the correct position with the <+> and <-> keys).
Plate format:
<< Esc 8-strip
Well shape:
<< Esc Flat
Center pos:
Esc Mov 0.1 mm