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Replacement for BA_2005_1_GB_D2
6. Installation
Filling by hand
Changer over the plugs A and B so that the vent hole is at the top.
Overhead reservoir
Remove the plugs; connect the line from the overhead reservoir. Connection R 3/4”.
Note: A stopp cock should be fitted in the line from the overhead reservoir.
Filling pump
Remove the plug C; connect the line from the filling pump. Connection R 1/4”.
Remove the plug B; connect the overflow or return line. Connection R 3/4”.
To connect the lines to the lubrication points
Pipes and couplings
Before installation, carefully clean all pipes by tapping and blowing through. Bend pipes cold only, to avoid
formation of scale. Connection R 1/4”.
Flow indicator
When installing the flow indicators in the lines to the lubrication points, pay attention to the arrows.