Boiler installation and commissioning tips
The installation
must be carried out by
a qualified person who will be responsible for
observing the current Regulations.
Installing the boiler...
Do not forget to remove the transit caps
and plugs from the boiler connections these
are fitted to every boiler.
Keep the boiler clear of dust during in-
stallation and in particular do not allow any
dust or debris to enter the top of the boiler
where the flue connection is made. It is rec-
ommended that you put a dust sheet over the
top of the boiler until you are ready to make
the flue connection.
Because every boiler is fired and tested
live at the factory, a small amount of water re-
mains within the boiler. It is possible for this
water to initially cause the pump to seize. It is
therefore recommended that the pump rotor
be manually turned to free its rotation before
turning the boiler on.
Remember to release the auto air purge
before filling the boiler. See the instructions to
identify the location of this device.
Do not remove the cap of the pressure
test points of the air switch (top left side of the
You are strongly advised to flush out the
system both cold and hot in order to remove
system and installation debris.
It is also sensible to initially fire and com-
mission the boiler before connecting any ex-
ternal controls such as a room thermostat. By
this method if you have a subsequent prob-
lem following the addition of an external con-
trol you can eliminate the boiler from your
fault analysis.
Do not forget to range rate the boiler to
suit the system requirements. This pro-
cedure is covered in the commissioning sec-
tion of the installation manual.
If the boiler is fitted with a digital pro-
grammer, when setting the times for auto-
matic operation, remember that for every
“ON” time there must be an “OFF” time to fol-
low and that on every occasion you enter a
time you must also indicate which days that
you want the boiler to follow the timed set-
Some products incorporate an anti cycl-
ing time delay. It is normal when first switch-
ing the boiler on for the boiler to operate on
heating for a few seconds then switch off.
After 3--- 4 minutes has elapsed the boiler will
then re ignite and operate perfectly normally.
The ignition delay cycle does not prevent
normal operation of the boiler to provide
If you are in any doubts as to the installa-
tion or operation of the boiler please read the
instruction manuals thoroughly and then if
necessary contact Biasi UK for advice and
Please remember that if you are in any doubt about the installation of this product you can contact our
Technical Helpline on tel. 0121 506 1350