without creating air bubbles. For countertop models where the
concentrate may not have dedicated shelves, also ensure that the boxes
and lines are not interfering with or crushing each other.
9. Slide the QDC over the spout and, holding it in the same manner as in
Step 2, press the center in with your thumbs until it clicks twice.
Checking the Lines
1. Open all water valves, including the main line from the wall.
2. Turn on the carbonator and Bevi by flipping the power switches.
3. Check that water is flowing properly without leaking and that the lights
and tablet power are on. It should only take 30 seconds or so for the
touchscreen to boot up.
Initializing the Service Panel
The service panel can be accessed from the main tablet touchscreen. To enter
the panel:
1. Press the Ingredients button on the bottom of the touchscreen.
2. Select any flavor to bring up the ingredients list view.
3. Either press and hold the X in the top right corner for approximately 5-6
seconds, or tap the bottom of the ingredients list window repeatedly
until the panel appears.
When you enter the service panel, it is important to navigate to the
Advanced tab to copy down the Machine ID and Touchscreen ID (the
Machine ID can also be found on a sticker on the back of the Bevi). You will
need this when Creating the Machine Page .
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