LaserSpeed 8000/9000 I/O Module Instruction Handbook
Part No. 93342 / Drawing No. 0921-01516
Page 33 of 84
Revision E (Dec 2013)
Setting Validation
Introduced in revision E software, all input settings are validated by the I/O
Module. If a setting value does not meet the validation criteria defined by the I/O
Module, the I/O Module will respond with a validation error and the entire
command will be ignored.
BaudRate 115200
StopBits 2
DataBits 7
Parity NONE
SyncMode 0
ElongAvg 10
BaudRate: validation error
Also introduced in Revision E software, the I/O Module now supports the
backspace key on the IO Setup port. The user can now use the backspace key
to correct typing mistakes when entering I/O Module setups using HyperTerminal
or similar terminal program.