3. Preparing the Puller for Use
ALWAYS assemble the pullers on a work bench. During the assembly of the
puller, parts can fall off and cause INJURIES.
3.1 Assembling the Spindle
Type 1.06 and 1.07
Screw the spindle (B) into the
traverse (A).
Type 1.08
See Section 4.2 for spindle assembly instructions.
3.2 Assembling Pulling Legs on the Traverse
PINCH HAZARD. Take the following precautions to prevent pinch injuries to your
fingers when sliding the pulling legs on the traverse:
ALWAYS perform the assembly on a work bench.
DO NOT grasp in between the pulling legs when sliding the pulling legs on
the traverse with your fingers.
Hold the traverse horizontally so that the pulling legs cannot slip down.
The pulling legs can subsequently slip back off the traverse and fall on feet or
legs causing INJURIES.