INV (invalid):
Acquired value is invalid. Cause could be missing
additional value (CJC or oxygen).
OVR (overrun)
Input signal is out of range. Open input or damaged
signal cable results in “out of range” indication too.
UDR (underrun)
Input signal too small. Usually this points to a bad
thermocouple polarization.
An error messages points clearly to an internal
problem inside the TM100. Contact us for assistance.
Error C1:
internal check failed, no further data acquisition.
Points to an internal problem of the signal converter.
Error C2:
internal check found values to be inaccurate. Might be
caused by exceeding temperature range, when water
entered or electronic damage.
Error D1:
hardware damage. Contact us for repair.
Error D5:
TM100 calibration data invalid, loss of calibration
data. Contact us for recalibration.
Error D6:
Configuration data error, needs to be checked and re-
entered manually.
Messages & Displays
Error Messages