Sensor Type :
Select Acceleration, Velocity, or Displacement.
Sensor Unit (SU) :
Select Gs, m/s2, in/s2, or m/s, in/s when Velocity is selected
or m, um, mil or inch when displacement is selected.
Sensitivity mV/ SU :
This is an input box for the user to enter the correct
sensitivity for the sensor used. In this example, it is 100 mV/ g.
Display Unit (DU) :
Select mGs, mm/s2, mm/s, um, in/s2, in/s, or mil. The
vibration levels will be displayed in Display Unit in the vibration measurement
Detection :
Select RMS, peak or P-P.
Select IEPE, AC, or DC
Vibration measurements
After you press the [
button from the sensor setup page, you should see a
display as follows. Notice in the window, that the instructions are to
Start rotor.
Press “Start” to read data
. At this time, you press the [
Start button
] on the
to begin the measurement.