Benchmark Media Systems, Inc.
Page 16 of 39
Coaxial Input Impedance Jumper (JP7):
The Coaxial (BNC) input has a 75-Ω internal termination that may be disabled by removing the 2-pin jumper at
JP7 (see Photo 2). This termination is required for normal operation, but may be removed if the user wishes to
loop a single coaxial feed through several other pieces of equipment (using a BNC “T” adapter on the DAC1). A
75-Ω termination must be applied at the last device on the loop, and there should be a combined total of less than
6 feet of cable between the first and last receive device. JP7 should be configured as follows:
75-Ω Input Impedance*** (Jumper Installed)
High-Z Input Impedance (Jumper Removed)
*** = Factory Default
Photo 2 - BNC Input Impedance Jumper (JP7)