Select “NCR” to save current record data and increment record pointer to
next record
Select “PUT” to write data to a file.
Select “RCV” to receive a string from the serial port.
Select “RHT” to retrieve the rightmost sub- string of n length.
Select “RSV” to reserve for a future MACRO command.
Select “SEK” to let the current record pointer point to the record number of
the selected file.
Select “SEL” to select the specified file.
Select “SND” to send specified contents.
Select “SRH” to search the selected data file.
Select “STR” to convert data to string type.
Select “SUB” to subtract.
Select “VAL” to convert data to numeric type.
4. Select “Operand1” and “Operand2” for the source and/or destination operand.
5. Select “Append” or “Insert” to add the Macro. You can also select “Modify” or
“Delete” to modify or delete existing Macros.
6. Check the “Show Macro Reference” to refer to other Macro program
After checking the “Show Macro Reference”, the Macro Reference tab shows
Task List, Macro List, and Macro Code. Therefore, user can refer to the Macro in
any task by indicating it in the Task List and Macro List accordingly.