How to pack up a Bell Tent & get it back into its bag:
Here are some tips on packing up your Bell Tent after use.
As stated all over the set up instructions it is
that your bell tent is stored
bone dry otherwise it will get attacked by mould. It’s fine taking it down damp
however, you
ensure you hang it up to dry within 24 hours. You don’t have
to set the tent up again, just hang it on a washing line, over a car or over some
chairs - basically it just needs some air.
This is how to get your tent back in the bag without hassle:
Take all the poles and pegs out of the tent (not the groundsheet) and fold the tent
over itself so you have a double-layer half moon. Keep the tent on the
groundsheet and off the ground to keep it clean and dry
Place the tent bag alongside the tent so you have a template for how wide you
want the tent to end up. Now start folding it in so you end up with a strip of
canvas the width of the bag.
(This picture gives you an idea
even though it’s of standard
5m bell Tent )
Once you have folded the tent into a
strip that is the same width as the bag,
fold both ends in so you end up all the
guy ropes tidied in and a strip of canvas
about a metre long.
Next take the canvas off ground sheet (remember to keep it off grass if the grass
is wet)
Now un-peg the ground sheet, turn it over, and give it a couple of minutes for the
condensation to dry off the bottom. You may want to put a couple of pegs back in
to stop it being blow away and it’s a good idea to not put it on the same spot as
before as you’ll get condensation on the new underside.
Once both sides are dry, fold the groundsheet in half and in half again so you
end up with a strip the same width as the folded tent. Now fold it over on itself
until you end up with a square (sometimes it’s not possible to get the ground
sheet bone dry in the field, if that’s the case roll up the dry tent into it’s bag,