Alternate Setup Method
(3) (4)
1. Quick-Navigation Links
You can go directly to any of the Router’s advanced UI pages by
clicking directly on these links. The links are divided into logical
categories and grouped by tabs to make finding a particular setting
easier to find. Clicking on the purple header of each tab will show you a
short description of the tab’s function.
2. Home Button
The home button is available in every page of the UI. Pressing this
button will take you back to the home page.
3. Help Button
The “Help” button gives you access to the Router’s help pages. Help
is also available on many pages by clicking “more info” next to certain
sections of each page.
4. Login/Logout Button
This button enables you to log in and out of the Router with the press
of one button. When you are logged into the Router, this button will
change to read “Logout”. Logging into the Router will take you to a
separate login page where you will need to enter a password. When you
are logged into the Router, you can make changes to the settings. When
you are finished making changes, you can log out of the Router by
clicking the “Logout” button. For more information about logging into the
Router, see the section called “Logging into the Router”.