Behringer U-PHORIA UM2 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 19


Quick Start Guide




Step 3: Getting started

U-PHORIA UMC404HD/UMC204HD/UMC202HD/UMC22/UM2 Getting start ed

Windows operating system: 
Please visit 
and download the latest USB driver 

for your U-Phoria interface. Unzip the fi le, 
double-click the setup.exe and follow the 
on-screen instructions.

Mac OS X operating system: No drivers 
needed, your U-Phoria interface operates 

Connect to the mains 
via the provided power 
adapter (UMC404HD).

Connect to a computer via the 
provided USB cable. Designate your 
U-Phoria device as your audio 

(UM2 / UMC22 / UMC202HD) or audio/MIDI 
(UMC204HD & UMC404HD) interface in your 
DAW software.

Connect a pair of studio headphones 
to the   connector to monitor 
input levels and playback from your 

audio software. Use the OUTPUT knob (UM2 & 
UMC22) or PHONES knob (UMC202HD / 
UMC204HD / UMC404HD) to adjust the 
headphone volume. Engage the DIRECT 
MONITOR button (UM2 / UMC22 / UMC202HD) 
or adjust the MIX knob (UMC204HD & 
UMC404HD) to achieve zero latency monitoring 
of your input signals.

Connect instruments and audio 
sources to MIC/LINE 1 and INST 2 
(UM2 & UMC22), INPUT 1 and INPUT 

2 (UMC202HD & UMC204HD), or INPUT 1 – 4 
(UMC404HD). Use the MIC/LINE GAIN 1 and INST 
GAIN 2 (UM2), GAIN 1 and GAIN 2 knobs 
(UMC22 / UMC202 / UMC204HD), or GAIN 1 – 4 
(UMC404HD) knobs to adjust the input level of 
the connected audio sources. Engage the +48 V 
phantom power switch on the rear panel if you 
are recording with condenser microphones.

Connect a MIDI keyboard, controller, 
or other MIDI device via the MIDI 
ports on the rear panel 

(UMC204HD & UMC404HD).

Connect a pair of studio monitors 
to the 1(L) & 2(R) OUTPUTS 
(UM2 / UMC22 / UMC202HD) or 

L & R MAIN OUTS (UMC204HD & UMC404HD) for 
playback and mixing. Use the OUTPUT (UM2 / 
UMC22 / UMC202HD) or MAIN OUT (UMC204HD 
& UMC404HD) knob to adjust the volume level 


Paso 3: Puesta en marcha

Sistemas Windows: Visite la web y descárguese 
la última versión del driver USB para 

su interface U-Phoria. Descomprima el fi chero, 
haga doble clic en el archivo setup.exe y siga las 
instrucciones que aparecerán. 

Sistemas Mac OS X: No es necesario ningún 
driver, por lo que su interface U-Phoria 
funcionará de forma directa.

Conecte la unidad a la corriente 
por medio del adaptador 
incluido (UMC404HD). 

Conecte esta unidad a un ordenador 
por medio del cable USB incluido. 
Designe su dispositivo U-Phoria 

como su interface audio (UM2 / UMC22 / 
UMC202HD) o audio/MIDI (UMC204HD & 
UMC404HD) en su programa DAW. 

Conecte unos auriculares de estudio 
a la toma   para monitorizar los 
niveles de entrada y la reproducción 

de su software audio. Use el mando OUTPUT 
(UM2 & UMC22) o el mando PHONES 
(UMC202HD / UMC204HD / UMC404HD) para 
ajustar el volumen de los mismos. Active el 
botón DIRECT MONITOR (UM2 / UMC22 / 
UMC202HD) o ajuste el mando MIX (UMC204HD 
& UMC404HD) para conseguir una 
monitorización con latencia cero de sus señales 
de entrada. 

Conecte instrumentos y fuentes 
audio a las tomas MIC/LINE 1 y INST 
2 (UM2 & UMC22), INPUT 1 y INPUT 

2 (UMC202HD & UMC204HD) o INPUT 1 – 4 
(UMC404HD). Use los mandos MIC/LINE GAIN 1 y 
INST GAIN 2 (UM2), GAIN 1 y GAIN 2 (UMC22 / 
UMC202HD / UMC204HD), o GAIN 1 – 4 
(UMC404HD) para ajustar el nivel de entada de 
las fuentes audio conectadas. Active el 

interruptor de alimentación fantasma de +48 V 
del panel trasero si va a grabar con micrófonos 
de condensador. 

Conecte un teclado, controlador u 
otro dispositivo MIDI a través de 
los puertos MIDI del panel trasero 

(UMC204HD & UMC404HD). 

Conecte un par de monitores de 
estudio a las salidas 1(L) & 2(R) 

UMC202HD) o L & R MAIN OUTS (UMC204HD & 
UMC404HD) para la reproducción y mezcla del 
sonido. Use el mando OUTPUT (UM2 / UMC22 / 
UMC404HD) para ajustar el nivel de volumen en 
las salidas OUTPUTS o MAIN OUT. 

Содержание U-PHORIA UM2

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Страница 9: ...s informações estão sujeitas a modificações sem aviso prévio Todas as marcas são propriedade de seus respectivos donos Midas KlarkTeknik Lab Gruppen Lake Tannoy Turbosound TC Electronic TC Helicon Behringer Bugera e DDA são marcas ou marcas registradas do MUSIC Group IP Ltd MUSIC Group IP Ltd 2017Todos direitos reservados GARANTIA LIMITADA Paraobterostermosdegarantia aplicáveisecondiçõeseinformaçõ...

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Страница 11: ...MC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Quick Start Guide 21 20 U PHORIA UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Controls 10 11 13 20 19 21 22 23 24 15 16 17 18 7 8 9 6 1 3 4 25 14 20 19 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 23 24 21 25 7 8 9 6 1 3 4 ...

Страница 12: ...U PHORIA UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Quick Start Guide 23 22 21 13 10 11 19 20 15 16 17 18 1 3 4 5 9 11 13 15 16 17 18 10 1 2 5 19 20 21 U PHORIA UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Controls ...

Страница 13: ...U PHORIA UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Quick Start Guide 25 24 21 19 20 10 13 18 15 12 11 16 17 5 1 2 U PHORIA UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD UMC22 UM2 Controls ...

Страница 14: ...UM2 UMC22 connector Connectinstrumentandaudiosourcesto thisconnector 3 LINE INST UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD selectordesignatesline levelorinstrumentlevelinputsourceat combinationXLR connector s 4 PAD UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD selectorreducesinputlevel forconnectedsourceswhenengaged 5 DIRECTMONITOR UM2 UMC22 UMC202HD selectoractivatesdirect monitoringofinputsignalswithzero latency nodelay whenenga...

Страница 15: conniveldelínea 2 ConectorINST2 UM2 UMC22 de6 3mm Conecteenestatoma instrumentosyfuentesaudio 3 ElselectorLINE INST UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD eligeentrela fuentedeentradadeniveldelíneaode instrumentoparalosconectorescombo XLR 6 3mm 4 CuandoactiveelselectorPAD UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD elniveldeentrada delasfuentesconectadasseráreducido 5 ElselectorDIRECTMONITOR UM2 UMC22 UMC202HD activala ...

Страница 16: ...35mmpermetdeconnecter uninstrumentouunesourceaudioà niveauligne 3 LesélecteurLINE INST UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD permet dedéterminersile s connecteur s combiné s peu ven trecevoirdessignaux niveauligneouinstrument 4 LesélecteurPAD UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD permetd atténuerleniveau d entréedelasourceconnectée 5 LesélecteurDIRECTMONITOR UM2 UMC22 UMC202HD permet d activerl écoutedirectedessignaux ...

Страница 17: ...D 1 4 UMC404HD HierschließenSieexterne Signalprozessorenan 1 MIC LINE1 UM2 UMC22 INPUT 1 2 UMC202HD UMC204HD INPUT1 4 UMC404HD XLR 6 35mm Kombianschlüsse Hierschließen SieMikrofone Instrumenteoder AudioquellenmitLine Pegelan 2 INST2 UM2 UMC22 6 35mm Anschluss HierschließenSie InstrumenteundAudioquellenan 3 LINE INST Wahltaste UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD Damit bestimmenSie obeineSignalquellemit Line...

Страница 18: ...UMC404HD designaonível delinhaoufontedeentradadenívelde instrumentono s conector es XLR 4 OseletorPAD UMC202HD UMC204HD UMC404HD reduzoníveldeentradadas fontesconectadasquandohabilitado 5 OseletorDIRECTMONITOR UM2 UMC22 UMC202HD ativao monitoramentodiretodesinaisde entradacomlatênciazero semdelay quandohabilitado 6 OseletorSTEREO MONO UMC204HD UMC404HD ativaomonitoramentomono desinaisdeáudioconect...

Страница 19: ...M2 UMC22 UMC202HD orMAINOUT UMC204HD UMC404HD knobtoadjustthevolumelevel attheOUTPUTSorMAINOUT ES Paso 3 Puesta en marcha SistemasWindows Visitelaweb www behringer comydescárguese laúltimaversióndeldriverUSBpara suinterfaceU Phoria Descomprimaelfichero hagadobleclicenelarchivosetup exeysigalas instruccionesqueaparecerán SistemasMacOSX Noesnecesarioningún driver porloquesuinterfaceU Phoria funciona...

Страница 20: ...MC202HD ouMAINOUT UMC204HDet UMC404HD pourréglerleniveaudessorties OUTPUTouMAINOUT DE Schritt 3 Erste Schritte WindowsBetriebssystem BitteladenSieunter www behringer comdieneuesten USB TreiberfürIhrU PhoriaInterfaceherunter EntpackenSiedieDatei doppelklickenSieauf setup exeundfolgenSieden Bildschirmanleitungen MacOSXBetriebssystem Eswerdenkeine Treiberbenötigt IhrU PhoriaInterfaceist class complia...

Страница 21: ...2HD UMC204HD UMC404HD paraajustarovolumedofonedeouvido HabiliteobotãoDIRECTMONITOR UM2 UMC22 UMC202HD ouajusteobotãoMIX UMC204HD UMC404HD parachegarao monitoramentodelatênciazerodosseussinais deentrada Conecteinstrumentosefontesde áudioaoMIC LINE1eINST2 UM2 UMC22 INPUT1eINPUT2 UMC202HD UMC204HD ouINPUT1 4 UMC404HD UseosbotõesMIC LINEGAIN1e INSTGAIN2 UM2 GAIN1eGAIN2 UMC22 UMC202HD UMC204HD ouGAIN1 ...

Страница 22: ... Out 4 x RCA Playback Line Out 1 x stereo Phones 2 x TRS Main Line Out 4 x RCA Playback Line Out 1 x stereo Phones 2 x TRS Line Out Frequency response 10 Hz 43 kHz 0 0 3 dB Max output level 3 dBu Model UMC404HD UMC204HD UMC202HD System Data Dynamic range 100 dB A weighted 110 dB A weighted Frequency response 10 Hz 43 kHz 0 0 3 dB Inserts Type 4 x TRS 2 x TRS n a Impedance 100 Ω Send 10 kΩ Return n...

Страница 23: ...1 78 x 11 5 x 5 1 46 45 x 185 x 130 mm 1 8 x 7 3 x 5 1 46 45 x 170 x 125 mm 1 8 x 6 7 x 4 9 Weight 1 2 kg 2 7 lbs 0 6 kg 1 4 lbs 0 5 kg 1 2 lbs Specifications Model UMC22 UM2 Input Preamp 1 x MIDAS design 1 x XENYX Type 1 x XLR TRS combo connector Mic Line 1 x TRS Instrument Input level attenuation n a Frequency response 10 Hz 30 kHz 0 0 5 dB Impedance Mic in 3 kΩ Instrument in 1 MΩ Max input leve...

Страница 24: ...t Operating systems Mac OS X Windows XP or higher Drivers Mac No driver required CoreAudio supported Windows Available as download from behringer com Specifications Model UMC22 UM2 Power Power consumption Max 2 5 W Power supply USB connector bus powered from computer Mains voltage n a Dimensions Dimensions H x W x D 46 45 x 163 x 125 mm 1 8 x 6 4 x 4 9 46 45 x 128 x 118 mm 1 8 x 5 1 x 4 7 Weight 0...

Страница 25: ...z pasderevendeurMUSICGroupprèsdechezvous contactezledistributeurMUSICGroupdevotrepays consultezlalistedesdistributeursdevotrepaysdansla page Support denotresiteInternetbehringer com Sivotrepaysn estpasdanslaliste essayezderésoudre votreproblèmeavecnotre aideenligne quevous trouverezégalementdanslasection Support dusite behringer com Vouspouvezégalementnousfaire parvenirdirectementvotredemandederép...

Страница 26: ... that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and re...

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