the monitor path and in single channels with critical signals. If there is no other way to eliminate feedback, you
can insert the FEEDBACK DESTROYER into the main mix bus. Unless your mixing console has dedicated
insert points for the main mix bus, you can simply connect the FEEDBACK DESTROYER between mixing
console and power amp. If required, adapt the levels with the Operating Level switch (see 3.4).
Wire the unit as shown below:
Master Out
P.A. System
Fig. 6.3: Using the FEEDBACK DESTROYER in the main mix bus
6.3 Using the FEEDBACK DESTROYER in single channels and sub-groups
If you want to make sure that deliberately produced feedback signals, such as “guitar feedback”, are not
eliminated, you should try inserting one or several FEEDBACK DESTROYER`s into single channels (e.g.
vocal mics) which are susceptible to feedback. Or, you could use the sub-groups of your mixing console by
routing any channels susceptible to feedback (e.g. all vocal mics) to one or several sub-groups. Thus, all less
critical signals (e.g. line signals, lower-level instrumental microphones) can pass through the mixing console
unaltered, while only the critical microphone channels are monitored from the FEEDBACK DESTROYER. In
this way, you can protect your P.A. system against feedback and still use “wanted” feedback signals.