Intended Use
The heat exchanger of the QWT series is exclusively designed for heating bathwater
through the water heating system.
The heat exchanger of the SWT series is exclusively designed for heating bathwater
through a heat pump, solar installation or a low-temperature heating system.
The heat exchanger of the WTI series is exclusively designed for heating bathwater
through the water heating system; suitable for water with increased chlorine content
(e. g. brine basins, therapy basins, seawater basins).
The heat exchanger of the SWT-T series is exclusively designed for heating ba-
thwater through a heat pump, solar installation or a low-temperatur heating system;
suitable for water with increased chlorine content (e.g. brine basins, therapy basins,
seawater basins).
Any other mode of application is not regarded as intended use. The manufacturer
GmbH, is not liable for any resulting damage.
Other uses are only possible upon agreement with and approval by the manufacturer.
The intended use also includes
- observance of all pieces of information in the installation instructions and
- execution of inspection and maintenance activities.
Maximum permissible operational overpressure must not be exceeded.
Heating element (primary side)
max. 1000 kPa (10 bar)
Bathwater (secondary side) max. 300 kPa (3 bar)
Water with the following values may only be used
Chloride content
max. 500 mg/l
max. 3000 mg/l
Free chlorine
max. 1.3 mg/l
6.5 – 8.2
6.5 – 8.2
salt content
max. 3.5%
Retrofits and changes in the heat exchanger are prohibited for safety reasons.
Sources of Danger
The heat exchanger can be damaged.
If the maximum operational pressure of 300 kPa (3 bar) at bathwater or 1000 kPa
(10 bar) at heating water is exceeded, the heat exchanger might develop leaks.
The danger of burns exists.
The connections of the heating water side to the heat exchanger might reach tem-
peratures of up to 100°C.
The heat exchanger might heat up to the flow temperature of the heating water if it
is not completely filled with bathwater.