C1120 S5 to II/O Lightbus Interface
Beckhoff II/O-Lightbus System
Date 27.06.97
Version 2.1
Page 13 of 52
C1120 I/O Memory Map List
All used II/O-Lightbus modules must be listed in the I/O list. The order of modules in the I/O
list must reflect their physical position in the II/O-Lightbus System ring.
First step is to edit the I/O list:
Each new module is to be introduced to the list by pressing "F2": "Insert module". No actions
take place during editing without adding a module as described. Addresses of existing
modules can be edited and overwritten easily, modules can be deleted by pressing "F3". If a
module is deleted, it has to be removed from the II/O-Lightbus System ring.
The coloumn "No" holds the actual line number. The coloumn "Mod" holds the corresponding
module address. The coloumn "Msg" is without further use. The coloumn "Description" keeps
a 20 character user description of the module name or function. The "CDL" - coloumn is used
The address name of the SIEMENS PLC process image is entered in the fields "D0" to "D3".
You can use any order or use addresses twice etc.
The coloumn "Ident" maps the indirect modules to their physical II/O-Lightbus address.
In the column “ STG” , those modules that are to be processed as part of the string
communication are identified by a “ 1” . Those modules are similarly assigned to their
physical module addresses by means of the Ident number.
Warning !
The interface card C1120 is not able to identify modules. If the I/O list and
physical order of modules are different, or the inputs and outputs are set up
incorrectly by DIP switches, I/O data is transferred erroneous from the PLC
program to the modules without recognition.