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FEC_ FCXX_ HE12 Version 1.2 as of 03.07.2000
figured and high level language user routines
used for interrupt handling. Inputs that can be
configured as interrupt inputs can also be read
in as normal digital inputs.
Incremental encoder
The FEC has a 16-bit software incremental en-
coder (see AB direction detection) that can
process counter pulses of up to 200 Hz. Con-
nection takes place using the two interrupt
inputs E1.0 and E1.1. An optional reference
switch can be connected using input E0.7.
Analog potentiometer (trimmer)
The FEC has an analog potentiometer that can
be easily adjusted within a range of 1 to 63
(decimal) using a screwdriver. This value can
be read by the software that is used. Tasks
such as fine tuning of operating parameters
(e. g. numeric values) and many similar tasks
can be executed in a cost-saving way using this
integrated feature.
The timer function
The FEC has an extremely flexible timer function
that makes it possible to configure up to 32 32-
bit timers. The time base for each timer can be
adjusted in multiples of 4.58 ms using a confi-
gurable 16-bit distributor. This means that