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FEC_ FCXX_ HE12 Version 1.2 as of 03.07.2000
Special functions
RUN/STOP switch
The FEC has a RUN/STOP switch that can be
interrogated by the software.
Status LED
The FEC has a status LED which can be green,
orange or red. The LED can be programmed by
the software that is being used and usually
indicates the current program status. The LED
can also flash in all three colours.
Fast counters
Inputs E1.2 and E1.3 can be independently
configured as fast counter inputs and used to
count counter pulses up to a frequency of 2
kHz. The counters are 16-bit (0 to 65535) and
are configured and evaluated using the provi-
ded program library. Inputs that are configu-
red as counters can also be read in as normal
digital inputs.
Interrupt inputs
Inputs E1.0 and E1.1 can be individually confi-
gured as interrupt inputs. Like the counter in-
puts, the interrupt inputs can be software con-