Customer Service
Troubleshooting T
Operating Instructions
Safety Instructions
White and Bleachable Fabrics
Other Washable Fabrics
Grass, mildew, scorch
Apply undiluted liquid detergent;
Sponge with warm water. Apply undiluted liquid
launder. (Treat mildew spots
detergent; launder. Bleach with non-chlorine bleach;
while they are fresh, before mold
launder. Old mildew cannot be removed. Scorch can
has a chance to weaken fabric.)
seldom be removed.
If either type stain remains,
use the Bleach Solution; launder.
(Severe scorch stains can seldom
be removed.)
Ink, ballpoint
Fresh stains: Place stain face
Same as white and bleachable fabrics except launder
down on an absorbent towel
using non-chlorine bleach.
and use a spray cleaner.
Rinse well, then wash as usual.
Old stains: Use the Bleach
Solution; launder.
Juices, wine,
Soak stain in cool water.
Sponge with warm water. Bleach remaining stain with
food coloring
If stain remains, use the
non-chlorine bleach.
Bleach Solution; launder.
Apply undiluted liquid detergent
Launder in warm water. Rinse well. Bleach with
and launder in warm water.
non-chlorine bleach.
If color has changed you may
be able to restore it by treating
with ammonia or vinegar.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with
ammonia or acids such as vinegar
and/or rust remover. Mixing can
produce a toxic gas which may
cause death.