4.7 Power Management Setup Menu
The Power Management Setup allows you to configure your system to most
effectively save energy while operating in a manner consistent with your own style
of computer use.
4.7.1 ACPI function
ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) evolves the existing
motherboard configuration interfaces to support these advanced architectures in a
more robust, and potentially more efficient manner.
4.7.2 Power Management
This option allows you to select the type (or degree) of power saving for Doze,
Standby, and Suspend modes. See the section PM Timers for a brief
description of each mode. This table describes each power management mode:
Max Saving
Maximum power management.
Only Available for
Doze Mode = 1 min., Standby Mode = 1 min., Suspend Mode
= 1 min., and HDD Power Down = 1 min.
User Define
Allows you to set each mode individually. When not disabled,
each of the ranges are from 1 min. to 1 hr. except for HDD
Power Down which ranges from 1 min. to 15 min. and disable.
Min Saving
Minimum power management. Doze Mode = 1 hr., Standby
Mode = 1 hr., Suspend Mode = 1 hr., and HDD Power Down =
15 min.