Thank you for purchasing the UV HALO AS8.1 or AS8.2
Air Purifier, this is “clean air technology” at its best.
This product is packed with power and technology to
provide fast and efficient clean air. We hope that you
enjoy using your new unit!
Purifying the air you breathe is no longer a superfluous
luxury. An increasing number of micro-organisms can
be found in the air, including viruses, bacteria and
moulds, and these make our air less healthy to breath.
We are increasingly made aware of how dangerous
these micro-organisms could become for human
beings. As these microorganisms cannot be seen with
the naked eye and are spreading through the air, this
hazard becomes even more pronounced. Research
indicates that the air quality in enclosed spaces can
be very poor indeed. Office areas, children’s day-care
centers, classrooms, old people’s homes and family
doctors’ or dentists’ surgeries are examples of areas
where many people come together, and where the
risk of infection through the air is correspondingly
higher. Our houses are also much better insulated
than they used to be, with the result that natural
ventilation is steadily reduced. The quality of the air
inside is therefore often poorer than we think. Poor air
quality at home is not only responsible for diseases,
but can also be the cause of headaches, respiratory
irritation, insomnia and allergies.
With UV HALO device, you can disinfect the air up to
90% in areas up to 30 m
. In the case of larger areas,
you can install several devices or turn on device for
longer time. Viruses, bacteria, moulds and other
micro-organisms that are present in the air are
rendered harmless by the device and are removed
from the air, together with pollen, dust and odours.
You will quickly notice how the quality of the air has
• Disinfects and purifies the air up to 95-99%.
• Eliminates micro-organisms that are present in
the air.
• Provides protection against diseases.
• Improves the quality of the air and promotes a
comfortable feeling.
• Purifies the air in enclosed areas.
• Has a positive effect on your health.
• Strengthens the resistance of the body against
• Inhalation allergies are reduced or disappear.
• Anxiety and depression can be reduced, or
• Diseases can be prevented.
• Suitable for areas up to 30-50 m
• Flow air rate up to 30m3 air per hour.
• Replacement of the UV-C lamp once a year.
• The unit indicates when the lamp should be
• Simple installation, usage and maintenance.
• Stand-alone system, wall mounted option and
immediately ready-for-use through “plug and
• Viruses
• Bacteria
• Moulds
• House-dust mites
• Dust and particulates
• Cigarette smoke
improved, and will feel fitter and more comfortable.
Your UV HALO is the ideal tool to keep the air around
you safe and healthy.
The air is drawn into the topside of the device using a
ventilator, thereby creating air circulation in the room.
The ventilator circulates 30 m
of air through the unit
per hour. For the best results, it is recommended
to keep your unit running 12-24 hours a day in the
places with . After passing through the air inlet, the
air is treated with UV-C radiation. The special Philips
or BBT UV air ozone-free UV-C lamp in the unit
generates an ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength
of 253.7 nanometres. The UV-C light destroys viruses,
bacteria, moulds and other primitive organisms.
The radiation damages the DNA structure of micro-
organisms and prevents their reproductio
The integrated timer keeps an accurate record of
the number of operating hours of the lamp. This will
tell you precisely when to replace the lamp. In areas
where more dust is present, the fixture must be
cleaned more often. The air that is blown out from the
outlet at the bottom of the unit has been disinfected
to 95-99%. Clean air in your living environment is
better for your health. Pure air not only increases
the resistance of the body against diseases, but also
reduces respiratory problems, or could prevent such
problems completely. Anxiety and depression are
reduced, or disappear completely. But the major
effect is the prevention of diseases.
• Odours
• Schools
• Children’s day-care centers
• Old people’s homes
• Nursing homes
• Hotels
• Offices
• Copying areas
• Family doctor’s surgeries
• Dental surgeries
• Veterinaries
• Animal shelters
• Kennels
• Lounges
• Bedrooms
• Hobby rooms
• Computer rooms
• Studies
• Play rooms
• Holiday homes
• Caravans
• Fitness areas
• Smoking areas
• Restaurants
• Hairdressers
• Beauty parlours
• Public toilets
• Pubs
• Meeting rooms
• Dressing rooms
220-240 V
50-60 Hz
2G 11
253.7 nm
Tuotteemme on merkitty EU-direktiivin 2002/96/WE mukaisesti merkinnällä
mukaisesti merkinnällä jossa jäteastia on yliviivattu. Merkintä kuvastaa sitä, ettei
tuotetta voi hävittää kotitalousjätteen mukana. Käyttäjä on velvoitettu palauttamaan
käytöstä poistettu tuote asianmukaiselle taholle jolle on osoitettu sähkölaitteiden
kierrätys. Jätteen talteenottopisteet, ml myymälät ja kunnalliset toimijat ovat luoneet
kattavan järjestelmän kierrätykselle. Asianmukainen menettely sähkölaitteiden
kierrätystä koskien ehkäisee sellaisia haitallisia vaikutuksia ihmisiin ja ympäristöön
joita saattaisi aiheutua mikäli kierrätystä ei hoidettaisi asianmukaisesti.
Informujemy Państwa, że nasze towary są oznaczone zgodnie z Dyrektywą Europejską
2002/96/WE oraz polską Ustawą o zużytym sprzęcie elektrycznym i elektronicznym
symbolem przekreślonego kontenera na odpady. Takie oznakowanie informuje, że sprzęt
ten, po okresie jego użytkowania nie może być umieszczany łącznie z innymi odpadami
pochodzącymi z gospodarstwa domowego. Użytkownik jest zobowiązany do oddania go
prowadzącym zbieranie zużytego sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego. Prowadzący
zbieranie, w tym lokalne punkty zbiórki, sklepy oraz gminne jednostki, tworzą
odpowiedni system umożliwiający oddanie tego sprzętu. Właściwe postępowanie ze
zużytymsprzętem elektrycznym i elektronicznym przyczynia się do uniknięcia
szkodliwych dla zdrowia ludzi i środowiska naturalnego konsekwencji, wynikających z
obecności składników niebezpiecznych oraz niewłaściwego składowania i
przetwarzania takiego sprzętu.
Vi vill informera Er om att våra varor är märkta i enlighet med EU-direktiv 2002/96 / EG
och den polska lagen om redan använd elektroniskt avfall samt märkt med en. Sådan
märkning anger att utrustningen efter dess användning skall inte placeras tillsammans
med annat avfall från hushållet. Användaren är skyldig att lämna den till de som tar hand
om avfallsåtervinning av elektroniska produkter. Insamlingsansvariga, med det menas
lokala insamlingsställen, butiker och kommunala bolag, utgör ett lämpligt system som
möjliggör returnera utrustningen. Korrekt hantering av elektriskt samt elektroniskt
utrustning bidrar till att kunna undvika skador för människors hälsa och dåliga
miljökonsekvenserna av förekomsten av farlig och felaktig lagring samt bearbetning av
sådan utrustning.
Это устройство имеет маркировку согласно Европейской директиве
2002/96/WE и польскому закону об использованных электрических и
электронных приборов - символ перечёркнутого мусорного контейнера.
Такая маркировка информирует, что это оборудование, по истечении
срока службы, не может выбрасываться вместе с остальными отходами
домашнего хозяйства. Пользователь обязан отдать его тем, кто
занимается сбором использованных электрических и электронных
приборов. Учреждения, которые занимаются сбором, в том числе
местные точки сбора, магазины или специальные подразделения на
уровне гмины, создают соответствующую систему, которая позволяет
сдать такие приборы. Правильные действия по отношению к
использованным электрическим и электронным приборам позволяют
избежать вредных для здоровья людей и натуральной среды
последствий присутствия опасных ингредиентов, а также неправильного
складирования и переработки таких приборов.
Dieses Gerät ist gemäß der EU-Richtlinie 2002/96/WE und dem polnischen Gesetz über
Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte mit dem Symbol „durchgestrichene Mülltonne“
gekennzeichnet. Diese Kennzeichnung weist darauf hin, dass das Gerät nach Ablauf
seiner Lebensdauer nicht zusammen mit anderen Hausabfällen entsorgt werden darf.
Der Nutzer ist verpflichtet, das Gerät an diejenigen Entsorgungsträger zurückzugeben,
die die Sammlung der Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte durchführen. Die
Entsorgungsträger, darunter lokale Sammelstellen, Geschäfte und kommunale
Sammelstellen, bilden ein entsprechendes System, das die Rückgabe dieser Altgeräte
ermöglicht. Die ordnungsgemäße Behandlung von Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräten
trägt dazu bei, dass die für Mensch und Umwelt gefährlichen Auswirkungen, die durch
gefährliche Substanzen sowie durch nicht ordnungsgemäße Lagerung und
We i t e r v e r a r b e i t u n g d e r A l t g e r ä t e e n t s t e h e n , v e r m i e d e n w e r b e n .
We would like to inform you that our product's are marked in accordance with the
European Directive 2002/96/CE and Polish Act o n used electric and electronic equipment
with a sign of a crossed-out waste container. This mark informs abort the fact that the
device, after its application use, cannot be placed together with other types of household
waste. The user is obliged to return it to the entities conducting a collection of used
electric and electronic equipment. The collection points, including local collection points,
shops and municipal entities create a proper system making it possible for the return of
the equipment. Proper proceeding with used electric and electronic equipment
contributes to the avoidance of damaging consequences for the health of the inhabitants
and natural environment chick result form the presence of dangerous substances and
i m p r o p e r s t o r a g e a n d p r o c e s s i n g o f s u c h d e v i c e s a n d e q u i p m e n t .
Cet appareil porte le symbole d'un conteneur ŕ ordures barré, marquage conforme ŕ la
Directive européenne 2002/96/WE et ŕ la Lo i polonaise sur le recyclage des appareils
électriques et électroniques. Ce marquage informe que l'équipement concerné ne peut,
une fois hors d'usage, ętre jeté dans le męme réceptacle que les ordures ménagčres.
L'utilisateur est tenu de le rendre aux services chargés de la collecte d'appareils
électriques et électroniques hors d'usage. Les agents chargés de cette collecte, dont les
points de collecte locaux, les magasins et les municipalités, constituent un systčme
adapté autorisant le dépôt de cet équipement. En appliquant les rčgles d'usage relatives ŕ
l'équipement électrique et électronique, vous contribuez ŕ éviter des conséquences
nocives ŕ l'environnement naturel et humani, résultant de la présence dans ce type
d'appareils d'éléments dangereux et de son entreposage ainsi que de son recyclage
ul.Kornicka 52, 63-000 Sroda Wlkp.
tel. +48 61 28 60 300
e-mail: [email protected]
Data aktualizacji/Date of update: 09.10.2020