8.3.3. No position data
Link/Activity LED of port is flashing in green/yellow but PLC is not receiving any position data.
The encoder’s device name is cleared (“”) and the PLC cannot automatically assign the proper name
because automatic assignment wasn’t projected or no topology planning was done.
Make sure the I/O addresses of the encoder are within the cyclic updated process mapping. Size and
position of process mapping or encoder I/O addresses may require adjustment.
The encoder hardware configuration does not provide a device module
(„EAL580 MT…“ resp. „EAM580
MT…“) in slot 1 or no I/O module (telegram) is present in subslot 1.2. In both cases neither the encoder‘s
SF LED nor the PLC error LED is active. Yet no position data transmission is active.
Topology planning was executed and the encoder was connected with another port than projected (mode
LED at PLC but not the encoder’s SF LED is lit.
8.3.4. PLC error LED is lit
The encoder is operational but the error LED at PLC is lit.
Operating mode IRT: A topology planning has been done and the encoder has been connected to
another port than projected.
A diagnostic alarm is present.