Operation manual for
Series T32, T42
c) In this position the value of the constants can be adjusted to the laid
down PE-PIPE length by pressing the the arrow keys. The actual
length of the laid down pipe is imprinted on the PE-pipe on the
d) With the key TEST the set value can be saved and the display goes
back to standard again. The RAINSTAR can be started again.
adjust shot off
sensor correctly
or change
7. No
shown on
the display
or length is
Length sensor
1. If the length is not counted when the PE-pipe is pulled off or the
indication is wrong (indicated length increases instead of decreases)
the length sensor is mounted incorrectly (see instructions with
drawing in the operating manual)
Mount length
sensor correctly
8. Length
indicated on
the display
does not
match with
the actual
length of the
laid down
PE-pipe ovality
1. The length of the laid down PE-Pipe and the value shown on the
display always show the same percentage share of difference. I this
case the ovality of the pipe does not accord with the set value and
must be corrected.
Correction of the ovality constant
a) To correct it go to parameter sheet no.1 like described under pos.6,
press the PROGRAM key until constant 0, if you enter the value 111
in this constant you get to parameter sheet no.2, to the machine data.
Under machine constant 7 the ovality value can be corrected. .
Correct ovality
b) If the length indicated on the display is always higher as the actual
length of the laid down pipe, the ovality is higher than programmed
The factor needs to be corrected from 0,89 to 00,88 or 0,87.
c) If the length indicated on the display, however, is always lower than
the actual length of the laid down pipe, the ovality is lower than
programmed. The factor has to be corrected from 0,89 to 0,90 or
Length sensor / Magnet disc
2. The length of the laid down PE-pipe and the value shown on the
display always differ significantly.
a) On the magnet disc there are missing one or more magnets. The
magnet discs are equipped with 4 magnets, this applies to all
ECOSTAR models.
b) One or more magnets are no longer active. If the magnets move past
the length sensor on the display in the menu window there is no
signal for one or more magnets on the display (2xMENU key) (
c) In the machine data the number of magnets is programmed with a
different number than 4. On the parameter sheet no.2, the factor 6
needs to be corrected to 4 (see exact procedure in operating
On the display there is no signal at all (
). The length sensor is
Reduce ovality
Increase ovality
inactive magnets
Correct machine
data, exchange
length sensor?
9. Electric
off valve
does not
Shut-off sensor
1. If the electronic shut-off valve (overpressure shut-off) does not close
at the end of the irrigation strip (open in case of low pressure shut-
off) the shut-off sensor is not adjusted correctly (Sensor distance too
small). In the menu window the sensor signal does not go away (
shut-off sensor