Issue Date 2/11/01
QMAN0043 Installers Manual CII & C2000 Rev A.doc
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If any leaks are detected, close all valves and contact your local Batchen
Representative to repair the Dispenser.
Step 6:
If no leaks are found, close the 3-Way Valve in the Liquid Line, and
proceed to the next section.
6.6.2 Introducing LP Gas Liquid
Step 1:
Ensure that the 3-Way Valve in the Liquid Line of the Dispenser is fully
Step 2:
Open the valve underneath the Dispenser on the Liquid Line.
Watch for any obvious leaks.
Step 3:
Very slowly open the 3-Way Valve in the Liquid Line in the Dispenser to
first one side then the other side (if dual Dispenser).
Be alert for over speeding of the meter/s.
Watch for any obvious leaks.
Step 4:
Remove Nozzle/s from their receptacles and check that remote pump
starts. Displays should blank, then show all "8"s, then as below:
Step 5:
Slowly open the Angle Valve for each side.
Be alert for over speeding of the meters.
Step 6:
Use a weak solution of detergent in water to check for leaks on all
threaded and flanged joints, and welds. A leak is indicated by an
expanding bubble.
If any leaks are detected, close all valves and contact your local Batchen
Representative to repair the Dispenser.
Step 7:
If no leaks are found, return the Nozzles to their receptacles..
6.7 Final Dispenser Software Set-up
6.7.1 Stand-alone Operation
No further action required.