Issue Date 2/11/01
QMAN0043 Installers Manual CII & C2000 Rev A.doc
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6.1 Initial Check
Remove all rubbish associated with dispenser installation from the area of the dispenser.
Check that:
All electrical cables are terminated correctly.
All junction box covers have been replaced and correctly secured.
All junction boxes have any unused ports blanked off with an appropriate
blanking plug.
All manual valves in the dispenser are closed.
6.2 Selection of Communications Protocol
Dispensers with model numbers (see Compliance Plate) ending in an "E" (e.g. CII-??E
or C2000-?E) can provide either Email or Gilbarco communications protocols.
Dispensers are shipped configured for Email communications, unless specified
otherwise at the time of ordering.
When set for Email communications protocol the screened Communications Cable
(coming from the "Ex e" junction box in the hydraulics cabinet) terminates on the
connector "J7" on the Computer PCB.
When set for Gilbarco communications protocol the screened Communications Cable
(coming from the "Ex e" junction box in the hydraulics cabinet) terminates on the
connector "J2 - GILBARCO" on the Gilbarco Interface PCB.
6.2.1 Changing from Email to Gilbarco Communications Protocol
Step 1:
Disconnect the shielded communications cable coming from the "Ex e"
junction box at the connector "J7" on the upper side of the Main
Processor PCB and reconnect to the connector "J2 - GILBARCO"
Gilbarco Interface PCB.
Step 2:
Connect the second cable on Gilbarco Interface PCB ("J1 - EXT.
COMMS" connector) to the "J12 - EXT. COMMS" connector on the
Computer PCB.
See also section 6.4