The BE1-GPS1 00 is a multifunction, numerical relay
that provides a comprehensive mix of protective
functions to detect generator faults and abnormal
operating conditions along with control and metering
functions in an integrated system. This system is
suitable for any generator application and many utility/
cogeneration facility intertie applications. Twelve
sample per cycle digital signal processing, with fre
quency compensation, extracts the fundamental
component for high accuracy with distorted waveforms
and at off-nominal frequency operation.
The unit has one set of three phase current and voltage
sensing inputs to provide all common protective
functions except generator differential, 87G (which,
provided as a separate relay, prevents the "all your
eggs in one basket" pitfall). The voltage sensing
circuits automatically configure themselves internally
for 1 phase, 3 phase 3 wire, or 3 phase 4 wire
circuits. An optional 4th auxiliary voltage input is
available for either generator ground sensing or bus
voltage sensing.
The BE1-GPS1 00 can also be ordered with an optional
independent ground current input, typically used for
application with a separate ground CT such as a flux
balancing window CT or to provide ground backup
protection for the generator step up transformer.
The S1 and half rack cases are fully drawout with
current circuit shorting provisions. Two Basler Electric
half rack lEOs (Intelligent Electronic Devices) such as
primary and backup BE1-GPS100s or the BE1-851 or -
951 Overcurrent Protection Systems can be dovetailed
together to mount in a standard 19" equipment rack
with no special mounting hardware. Replacing an
obsolete GE or Westinghouse single function relay with
a GPS-100 in an S1 case upgrades existing protection
and monitoring without having to cut the panel.
Three independent communications ports, along with
built-in support for Modbus® and other common
protocols, provide easy access to integrating the
protection, control, metering, and status monitoring
functions into a substation automation system. The
standard IRIG-8 port provides time synchronization
from a master clock.
Real time metering provides Watt, Watt-hour, VAR,
VAR-hour, voltage, amp, and unbalance loading
telemetry for the protected circuit. Contact sensing
inputs and alarm monitoring functions provide real
time status information. Remote control is provided by
virtual control and selector switches with select-before
operate control of programmable outputs.
BESTiogic programmable logic provides the user with
high flexibility in configuring a protection and control
Each of the protection and control functions in the
BE1-GPS1 00 is implemented as an independent
function block that is equivalent to its single function,
discrete device counterpart. Each independent func
tion block has all of the inputs and outputs that the
discrete component counterpart might have. Figures
5A and 58 show each of the independent function
blocks available for use in the BE1-GPS1 00 and their
associated logic 1/0. Programming BESTiogic is
equivalent to choosing the devices required by your
protection and control scheme and drawing schematic
diagrams to connect the logic inputs and outputs to
obtain the desired operational logic.
The BE1-GPS1 00 relay can store, as user settings, one
user programmable, custom logic scheme. To save
you time and provide guidance, preprogrammed logic
schemes have also been provided. Any of the
preprogrammed schemes can be copied into the logic
settings, then modified to the application's needs.
User-programmable variable and virtual switch names
make relay event reports user-friendly.
BESTiogic provides the protection engineer with the
flexibility to set up this powerful multifunction system
with the same freedom that was once enjoyed with
single function, discrete devices. It is no longer neces
sary to compromise your standard protection and
operating practices to work within the limitations in
programmability of previous multifunction devices.
Figure 2A - Typical Alternate Connections for Vx and
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