Basecam GPS IMU V.1.0
GNSS-aided AHRS/IMU module
1. Power off the device.
2. Copy the firmware file named "FWUPDATE.BIN" to the root directory of the SD card and install
card into the device.
3. Turn on the device power or connect by USB cable to PC
4. Wait for the firmware update process to finish.
LED indication during the firmware update:
Flashing green: firmware updated is in progress
Solid green: firmware is successfully updated
Solid red: critical error, firmware can not be updated
Updating firmware from the SimpleBGC32 GUI
This option works if the GPS IMU module is connected to the main gimbal controller by the UART
interface and is fully functional.
1. Connect the main SimpleBGC32 controller to PC (over USB, bluetooth or any other ways).
2. Run SimpleBGC32 GUI and connect it to the main controller.
3. Open "External IMU" tab and configure Basecam GPS IMU as described in the SimpleBGC32 User
Manual (skip this step if it is already configured and works properly)
4. Press the "Show status" button to display information from the device in a new window
5. Press "Firmware update.." button, select *.hex file and press "Open". Firmware update process
Important note: do not interrupt the updating process - it will make device inaccessible by the UART
You still can use other methods to update the firmware.
Updating firmware in USB DFU mode
This method works for experienced users only and requires additional steps to enter device into a
bootloader mode. Please contact our support for more information.
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