Basecam GPS IMU V.1.0
GNSS-aided AHRS/IMU module
selected sensors at any time if for some reasons factory calibration becomes obsolete.
IMPORTANT: wait at least 1 minute after powering ON the device, to let it warm up to working temperature! Otherwise,
calibrations will be not precise.
Calibrating magnetometer (biases and scales)
It is advised to re-calibrate magnetometer after the installation in a new mounting position or after
serious changes in the magnetic environment. Calibration removes the interference of the hard and soft
iron located near the device.
1. Press the service button 3 times quickly to start calibration.
2. Rotate device by all directions to collect data in multiple different orientations. This step is
divided into 2 phases:
a) At the first 7-8 seconds system collects a time-separated data points. During this time, it's
important to make several long rotations by at least two axes. Green LED flashes with a
constant rate.
b) Then the system collects the remaining number of data points separated by the angle from
each other. The short pulse of green LED signals an acceptance of each new point. Rotate
device to different angles until the required number of points are collected.
3. When enough points are collected, the system computes calibrations values and emits a series of
short pulses by the green LED, which means that the calibration was finished successfully.
Calibrating gyroscope (biases only)
1. Make a single short press on the service button
2. Fix the device firmly, preventing any motion, rotation or vibration. Green LED flashes 2 times per
second while the device collects data. It takes several seconds.
3. When finished, system emits a series of short pulses by the green LED.
Calibrating accelerometer (biases and scales)
This procedure needs to place the device in 6 positions in a sequence, making each axis to point exactly
up and exactly down. The order of the sequence of positions does not matter.
1. Place the device in the first position in order (for example, Z-axis pointing down) and fix it. A
tolerance of 2-3 degrees is allowed.
2. Press the service button 2 times quickly to start calibration in this position.
3. During the calibration, the green LED flashes 2 times per second. When finished, it makes 2 short
flashes and device returns to normal operation.
4. Move the device to the next position in order and repeat steps 1-3.
© Basecamelectronics® 2019