Section 4. OPERATION
For purposes of instruction, we will reference channel 1, although channel 2 is identical.
With the heater and probe cables disconnected, turn on the main power to the LC-22C.
Rotate the display selector knob to illuminate “SET 1" in the red display window.
Using the “SETPOINT HEATER 1" knob, select the desired temperature, which is between
ambient and 99.9°C.
Turn off the main power to the LC-22C and connect the heater to “HTR-1" and the red,
yellow and black probe plugs to the same color jacks of ”PROBE-1" on the back panel.
Turn on the main power to the LC-22C. The heater indicator LED will remain constantly
illuminated until the set point is reached, then it will dim or blink intermittently to
indicate maintenance at the desired temperature. You can also observe the measured
probe temperature by changing the display select switch to “SENS 1".
LC-23A or LC-23C Column Heaters
and Electrochemical Cell Preheater
Ensure that the three (3) leads from the column heaters or cell preheater are plugged into
the jacks marked “PROBE 1" or ”PROBE 2"
Turn on the LC-22C. Set the desired temperature (at least 5°C above ambient).
The measured temperature can be read on the front panel digital display of the LC-22C by
using the display selector knob. The temperature is also available as an analog voltage
at the screw terminals marked “ 1 -” or “ 2 -”, depending upon
the channel used. Each 100 mV (0.1 volt) is equivalent to 1°C. For example:
+8.92 volts = +89.2°C
-0.36 volts = - 3.6°C
This voltage may be recorded using a strip chart recorder. Set the full scale input of
the recorder to 10 volts and observe the marked polarity on the back panel.
The LED light will stay on continuously until the heater achieves the setpoint and then will
flash intermittently while maintaining this temperature. The actual temperature (within
the absolute accuracy of the probe) at any point in time will be displayed on the front
panel digital display of the LC-22C or the recording device.
Section 4. OPERATION