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- Set out the turret in open position (unlocked)
- Remove the screws 714 and 715
- Remove all the support ( S ) complete of gear 712, (to facilitate the removing of this last, hit the ends ( E )
with a plastic hammer).
- Remove the supplementary motor ( M )
- Take off the toolholders disk
- Disassemble the flange 716
- Extract the pin 717 and the idle gear 718
- Take off the dowels 719 and the screws 720 & 720a
- Extract the plate unit 721 and the counterplate 722
- Take off the dowels 723 and the screws 724
- Separate the plate 721 from the counterplate 722
- Remove the central gear 705 complete of bearing 727 and thrust blocks 728
- If the disassembly of the components inserted in the support ( S ) is required:
extract the lock pin 713, remove the gear 712 complete of coupling 708, reel 706, lead nut 730 and pins 707
or 707a
- To disassemble the rack 711 the cover 731, and the levers 709 & 710 must be removed.
Oil all the retaining rings (O-Rings etc.) with grease, brake all the screws with "Loctite" and lubricate all the
mechanical components; beside it, for what the assembly of the elements belonging to the support unit ( S ) is
concerned, follow the following instructions:
- Insert the rack 711 complete of springs and containers 701 in the seat L; by using a small pin (as on table page
21) and with a suitable manual press compress the spring 702 with value (C) (see page 21); in this condition it must
be inserted the unit ( I ), composed by the gear 712, by the reel 706, by the lead nut 730 and by the pins 707, in the
seat in such a way that the tooth ( D ) of the reel 706 fit the space ( V ) of the rack 711 and that the slot ( A ) is in
correspondence with the hole ( F ).
Insert the lock pin 713 in the seat ( A ).
Eliminate the press action.
Push the gear 712 towards the bottom of the seat ( Z )
in such a way that the lead nut 730 goes in the ledge.
In this condition, the extremity (E) of the coupling 708 must be on line with the extremity ( E ) of the gear 712; if this
does not happen, the reason is caused by the insertion of the tooth ( D ) of the reel 706 in the wrong space of the
rack 711; in this case the assembly of these elements must be made again .
Reassemble the lever 710 on the pin 733, with the marks ( __ __ ) aligned, (see picture page 19)
During the assembly phase of the support ( S ) on the turret, the screws 714 and 715 must be alternately screwed
in such a way to determine the support on the 2 tables (X) & (Y) (see picture on page 18).
(Related to the toolholders