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ATTENTION! Before doing any cleaning, make sure that the appliance is disconnected from
the electric mains and that the gas cut off valve is closed. During cleaning operations, avoid
using direct or high-pressure sprays of water on the appliance. Cleaning must be done when
the appliance is cold.
The parts in steel can be cleaned with warm water and neutral detergent, using a cloth; the detergent
must be suitable for cleaning stainless steel and must not contain abrasive or corrosive substances.
Do not use common steel wool or anything similar which, depositing iron particles, could cause
rust. It is also better to avoid using sandpaper or emery paper. Only in the event of encrusted dirt,
pumice stone in powder may be used but an abrasive synthetic sponge or stainless steel wool would
be preferable, to be used in the direction of the grain. After washing, dry with a soft cloth.
If the appliance is not used for a long time it is advisable to turn off the gas tap, to disconnect the
electricity supply, and wipe all steel surfaces with a cloth soaked in vaseline oil in order to spread a
protective film and, every so often, air the room.
ATTENTION! Before doing any kind of maintenance or repairs, make sure that the
appliance is disconnected from the electric mains and that the gas cut off valve is closed.
The following maintenance operations must be carried out at least once a year by specialised
personnel. It is advisable to have a maintenance contract.
Check for correct functioning of all control and safety devices;
Check for correct ignition of burners and proper functioning at minimum;
Check the tightness of the gas pipes;
Check the condition of the power cable.
ATTENTION! Before carrying out any substitutions, make sure that the appliance is
disconnected from the electric mains and that the gas cut off valve is closed.
The safety valve (fig.9, pag.5 – figg.17,18, pag.6)
To replace the thermostat remove the water and gas knobs and the crank then remove the front
panel by unscrewing the four screws that hold it in place, as in figure 9, then unscrew consecutively
the pipe union that leads to the burner (1), the pilot burner pipe union (2), the thermocouple (3), the
ramp union (4) and the screws (5) that fix the support plate in position (8). Pull the valve group
including connections and the bracket out, unscrew the fixing screws (11) of the bracket (8) from
the electro valve (10) then proceed to unscrew the connections (9) of the valve paying attention not
to damage the thread, because the pieces will be recuperated. Then replace the part and proceed to
reinstall everything following the inverse sequence. For a better warranty of the sealing it is