Congratulations on your purchase of a Barnstead|
Thermolyne NANOpure DIamond Life Science
(UV/UF) ultrapure water system. This water purification
system is designed to provide nuclease-free (RNase and
DNase), DNA-free, pyrogen-free, low TOC, high resistivi-
ty, reagent grade water that exceeds ASTM Type I, CAP
and NCCLS Type I standards. It uses a four-stage deion-
ization process combined with a UV lamp, an ultrafilter
and a 0.2 micron filter to polish suitable feed water (dis-
tilled, deionized, or reverse osmosis) to produce pyrogen-
free (<0.005 Eu/ml), low TOC (<5.0 ppb) water with a
resistivity of up to 18.2 megohm-cm. Water resistivity is
continuously monitored by a resistivity cell and displayed
on a digital display.
The NANOpure DIamond Life Science (UV/UF) is
designed to automatically clean the ultrafilter by flushing
water through the filter for one minute every 12 hours.
The water is sent to drain.
The electronics can be verified and calibrated utilizing a
N.I.S.T. Traceable Calibration module. See accessory
ordering information.
Please read the instructions carefully to ensure that you
receive maximum benefit from the NANOpure DIamond
Life Science (UV/UF). Also, please fill out and return the
enclosed warranty registration card as it will help us
assure you of proper warranty coverage.
General Usage
Do not use this product for anything other than its intend-
ed usage.