Housekeeping is vital to your electric furnace - KEEP IT
CLEAN. Run your furnace up to 1600°F empty occasionally
to burn off the contamination that may exist on the insula-
tion and elements. Maintain 1600°F for at least 4 hrs. to in-
sure complete ashing of foreign materials.
Element life is reduced somewhat by repeated heating and
cooling. If the furnace is to be used again within a few
hours, it is best to keep it at the operating temperature or at
a reduced level such as 500°F (260°C).
General Cleaning Instructions
Wipe exterior surfaces with lightly dampened cloth contain-
ing mild soap solution.
The Troubleshooting section is intended to aid in defining
and correcting possible service problems. When using the
chart, select the problem category that resembles the mal-
function; then proceed to the possible causes category and
take necessary corrective action.