Streaming actions
Click on this button to open the streaming configuration wizard. This will allow you to set up
the different parts of the stream: capture, encoding, and streaming.
Apply changes
Click on this button to confirm your changes and reload the application.
Export Stream
Use this button to save the current stream configuration to your PC.
The saved file can be used as backup or to restore the stream later.
Import Stream
Use this button to restore a stream backup file from the PC back to the Instreamer ICE.
Streaming ON
When the device is rebooted the stream starts automatically, but when the stream was
manually stopped before, then the Stream can be started again by using the “Streaming ON”
Streaming OFF
This button allows you to interrupt the streaming at any time.
Restore Defaults
Press this button if you wish to return to the default streaming parameters and restart the
Stream settings
To configure the streaming settings, click the “Edit” item of the top menu.
Both will open the Stream configuration window where the Stream settings can be
configured. After configuration the stream settings, click “ok” to save the settings.
To confirm the change and load the new settings, click on “APPLY CHANGES”.
Stream Name
The stream name is use only for internal identification on the Instreamer ICE. Assign any
unique name to it. This name has no influence on the output stream and will only be used in
the stream itself.
Input Source
The audio input for the encoding can be selected in this dropdown menu
Released: “Date”
Instreamer ICE
User Manual