Icecast Description
Here you could give a closer description to your stream or the content of the stream, even
this will be part of the meta data and shown on the listener´s media player.
Icecast Genre
Set here the Genre of your your stream content, e.g. Pop, Jazz or Classic.
Even this data will be added to the Instreamer´s meta data.
Mount Point
The mount point is part of the path where the stream can be requested from the Instreamer
ICE. Configure here you desired mount point.
Default is “MyStream1”, that means the stream can be requested on the Instreamer ICE
from the path “http://ipaddress:port number/MyStream1”
Note, the mount point of the path is case sensitive!
Remote URL
This setting is only configurable in “Icecast Source” mode.
Configure here the IP address or DNS name where the remote Icecast server is available.
That can be the IP address of the Icecast server directly or, when a firewall is used in front
of the remote Icecast server, then the IP address of the remote firewall or the according
DNS name.
Audio Port
This setting is only configurable in “Icecast Source” mode.
Configure here the port number of the remote Icecast server.
That can be the port number of the Icecast server directly or, when a firewall is used in front
of the remote Icecast server, then opened port number of the remote firewall.
Default is port number 8000.
This setting is only configurable in “Icecast Source” mode.
Configure here the user name for the authentication on the remote Icecast server.
This setting is only configurable in “Icecast Source” mode.
Configure here the password for the authentication on the remote Icecast server.
Released: “Date”
Instreamer ICE
User Manual