User manual MFGD 1318
BGR->Y ................... The RGB video signals from the imaging board
are calculated and transformed into a single
luminance value according to the formula
0.3B + 0.59G + 0.11R. This single luminance
signal drives the RGB sub-pixels of the panel
RBG->Y ................... The RGB video signals from the imaging board
are calculated and transformed into a single
luminance value according to the formula
0.3R + 0.59B + 0.11G. This single luminance
signal drives the RGB sub-pixels of the panel
OSD position
With the OSD function you can select where on the screen the OSD
menu text will appear. You can select between center position, top left,
top right, bottom left or bottom right.
4.4. Advanced functions in the Preset menu
The Preset menu contains the following advanced functions:
Clear user presets
Click the control wheel if you wish to reset all the settings of all user
presets. In the menu that appears next, click on Proceed to reset the
4.5 Advanced functions in the Information menu
The following advanced functions are situated in the General informa-
tion menu.
The Service information menu contains the following items:
Display Name.......... The display type
Display Ser No ........ Indicates the display serial number
Display Stock No ..... Indicates the display order number
Panel ....................... Indicates the flat panel serial number
Panel Prod Date...... Indicates the flat panel production date