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Quick Start Guide — Operators

General Procedures

Ensure that the extraction system is on, and the flexible 
duct is installed.

If the projector’s 

turns red, yellow or blue, 

refer to the 

 section in this guide.

  Power Up

Switch on the 

.  Allow up to one minute for 

the projector to finish the boot-up sequence.  Boot-up is 
complete when the 

 button turns green.

Remove the lens cap (if applicable).


If the lamp is on, press the 

button and allow 

the lamp to cool for 10 minutes prior to electrical 
power down. 

After the 10 minute cool down period, switch off the 


Damage will result if you do not 
allow the lamp to cool down!

  Power Down



  System Reboot Sequence

Switch off the 


If the lamp is on, press the 

button and allow the 

lamp to cool for 1 minute. 

Continue with normal projector operations as required. 


After 30 seconds, turn 

on, and allow 1 minute 

for the system to boot, until 

button turns green.

Play the movie from the server.

Check if the 

button turns green.

Check if the 

button turns green.

Check the image on screen for proper alignment 
and color.

:  If the image is not aligned with the screen 

masking, use the 

to correct the 

image on screen.  Be sure to notify the theater technician.

During normal operations, the server should start the projector automatically.  
If it does not start automatically, use the following steps.  

Select the appropriate 

 for the next show.  

Allow a moment for the lens to move into position, 
and the electronic “masking” files to be loaded.  

Play the movie from the server.

Check the image on screen for the proper alignment 
and color.

Press the 

button.  Check if the button 

turns green.  

Press the 

button if required.

  Playing a Movie Controlled by the Server

  Playing a Movie Manually

Check that the appropriate 

is selected.

:  If the image is not aligned with the screen 

masking, use the 

to correct the 

image on screen.  Be sure to notify the theater technician.
