Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specifications subject to change without notice.
rev. 01/25/18
6 of 9
900MHz BACnet Gateway/Receiver
screen. Click the “Save” button to save any changes.
Name Fields:
Lets you change the names of the variables that show up in BACnet. By default, the serial number for
the reporting device will be in the beginning of the variable name. This is not user configurable. You can only modify the
text after the serial number. In “Name 1” of Fig 11, for example, you can modify “Input 1” to “Temperature” (or whatever
description you choose) but you cannot edit the serial number of 0000957F. Note: If you leave the Name fields with
their default settings, appropriate sensor names will automatically be generated for BACnet. Click the “Save” button to
save any changes.
Units 1 Field:
Use the pull down list to set the sensor readings to °C or °F. Click “Save” to save any changes.
The Wireless Device
Settings screen (Fig 12) is
accessed by clicking the
“Settings” button on the
Main Configurator screen.
The Settings screen
displays the settings for the
Gateway and any sensors
that are on (or have
been on) that Gateway’s
wireless network. (It will
also show any sensors that
have been “discovered” by
the Gateway even though they are reporting to a different Gateway.) Settings for an ED Device Type will not be added
to the settings list if the device’s signal level is less than -70 dBm.
Settings reported include Device Type, Serial Number, Channels Used, dBm (Power Level), Reporting Interval, Sample
Interval, Wireless Address, AES Key, Firmware Version, Radio Firmware Version, Battery Warning Level, Device
Logging Status, and Operation Status.
Sensors Button:
Click this button to immediately update the list. The Gateway updates the list every 30 seconds
Exit Button:
Click this button to return to the Main Configurator screen.
Edit Link:
Clicking this link opens the Edit Device screen. There are two Device Types, AP and ED. AP stands for
Access Point and signifies the Gateway. ED stands for End
Device and signifies a sensor. You should see only one AP
device (Gateway) and multiple ED devices (sensors) on the
Settings screen. The Edit Device screen is different for AP and
ED devices.
(Fig 13)
Clicking the Edit Link on an AP device opens the Edit AP Device
screen (Fig 13).
Use the pull down list to select which channels you
want the Gateway to transmit on. Click the “Save” button to
save any changes.
Transmit Power in dBm:
Use the pull down menu to select
the power level that the Gateway transmits at. Click the “Save”
Gateway Network Setup continued...
Fig. 12:
Wireless Device Settings Screen
Continued from previous page...
Fig. 13:
Edit AP Device Screen
Continued on next page...