BAPI-Stat “Quantum Slim” Wireless Room
Temperature Transmitter
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] • Web:www.bapihvac.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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Installation & Operations
rev. 02/07/18
Pressing the “Ping/Train”
button on the circuit board
will force a transmission.
Note: The unit is factory set to
transmit once every 5 minutes.
The transmission rate can be
changed via the receiver/gateway
network interface (as described
in the gateway instruction sheet
Fig. 12:
BAPI-Stat “Quantum
Slim” Circuit Board for Battery
Power Units
Battery Replacement
Cover Removal:
Remove the cover from the base
plate by turning in the cover lockdown screw with
a 1/16” Allen wrench (as described in the Mounting
Section) until the cover can be removed (Fig 6).
Battery Replacement:
Remove the batteries from
their holders and discard (Fig. 10). Replace with
new batteries in the correct orientation (Fig. 11).
Cover Replacement:
Attach Cover by latching it
to the top of the base, rotating the cover down and
snapping it into place. Secure the cover by backing
out the lock-down screws using a 1/16” Allen
wrench until they are flush with the bottom of the
Fig. 10:
Battery removal
Fig. 11:
Battery replacement
Install the provided
batteries. It will begin
transmitting when
power is applied.
Pressing the “Ping/Train”
button on the circuit board
will force a transmission.
Note: The unit is factory set to
transmit once every 5 minutes.
The transmission rate can be
changed via the receiver/gateway
network interface (as described
in the gateway instruction sheet
Fig. 13:
BAPI-Stat “Quantum
Slim” Circuit Board for Wired
Power Units
The unit is powered by
9 to
30 VDC (50 mA max) or 15
to 28 VAC (50 mA max). It
will begin transmitting when
power is applied.