Installation & Operating Instructions
Building Automation Products, Inc., 750 North Royal Avenue, Gays Mills, WI 54631 USA
Tel:+1-608-735-4800 • Fax+1-608-735-4804 • E-mail:[email protected] •
Specifications subject to change without notice.
rev. 02/09/21
6 of 12
900MHz WAM Connect
WAM Link Radio Settings:
Adjusts the radio setting on
the WAM Link 900 MHz USB
4. Configure the “Network
Under the “WAM Connect”
column you will find a list
of all the gateways that are
present on the LAN (Local
Area Network) that you are on.
Select one of the gateways and
then configure the options on
the center column “Network
Tab” (Fig. 4) as needed.
Removing the check mark
next to “DHCP” will switch
your Gateway from DHCP to
Static IP Address. IP Address,
Subnet Mask, and Gateway will
be editable. The gateway will
attempt 10 times to get an IP
from a DHCP. If that fails, it will set itself to a fall back IP of
5. Configure the “Settings Tab”
Configure the options on the “Settings Tab” as needed.
• Network:
Self assigned by gateway, not adjustable.
• AES Key:
Self assigned by gateway, not adjustable.
• Firmware:
Current Firmware Version.
• Power Level:
Adjust the dBm level of the gateway radio.
• Channel:
The gateway picks the channels to use. There is no need to adjust this.
• Unit:
Set the unit of measurement displayed in the gateway. Options are Celcius or Fahrenheit.
• Name:
This editable field allows you to assign a gateway name. See Step 8 “Configuring the Sensor” for more info.
• Location:
This editable field allows you to assign a gateway location. See Step 8 “Configuring the Sensor” for more info.
• BACnet ID:
This is assigned by the gateway and how it will appear on your network. Note: If you have more than one
gateway on the same BACnet network, be sure to change the BACnet ID of the gateway from the default number.
• BACnet Port:
This is the port the gateway will be on in the Bacnet IP network. Default Port is 47808.
• Reboot:
Allows you to remotely restart the gateway.
• Reset:
Allows you to reset the gateway.
• EDE:
Export Devices names and BACnet IDs.
• Request:
You can request data from the gateway.
• Send:
This is what sends all your configuration data to the gateway. Think of it as a “save settings button”.
NOTE: You must click the “Send” button after handing off the sensors to the gateway to save
the sensor setup in the gateway!
Setup continued...
Continued on next page...
Fig. 5:
Settings Tab on the Design Application Configuration Screen