Power LED
Signal LED
RF Link Good
Green solid
Amber flash
Binding Mode
Red flash
Red flash
Successful binding
Red solid (for 3 seconds)
Red solid (for 3 seconds)
If you are testing the devices before installing them, verify the devices are at least two meters apart to avoid over-driving
the link.
2.3.1 Signal Strength Indicator
The rate at which the Signal LED blinks amber indicates the signal strength between the Gateway and Node.
Blinking every 1/8 second = fewer than 3% missed packets
Blinking every 1/4 second = 3–25% missed packets
Blinking every 1/2 second = 26–50% missed packets
Blinking every 1 second = more than 50% missed packets
2.4 Installing Your SureCross
The following are some recommendations for installing your wireless network components.
2.4.1 Mounting SureCross Devices Outdoors
Use a Secondary Enclosure. For most outdoor applications, we recommend installing your SureCross devices inside a
secondary enclosure. For a list of available enclosures, refer to the Accessories list.
Point Away From Direct Sunlight. When you are not using a secondary
enclosure, minimize the damaging effects of ultra-violet radiation by mounting
the devices to avoid facing intense direct sunlight.
Mount under an overhang or other source of shade,
Install indoors, or
Face the devices north when installing outside.
For harsh outdoor applications, consider installing your radio inside a secondary
enclosure. For a list of available enclosures, refer to the Accessories list.
Mount Vertically to Avoid Collecting Rain. When possible, mount the devices where rain or snow will drain away from
the device.
Mount vertically so that precipitation, dust, and dirt do not accumulate on permeable surfaces.
Avoid mounting the devices on flat or concave surfaces, especially if the display will be pointing up.
Remove Moisture and Condensation. If condensation is present in any
device, add a small desiccant packet to the inside of the radio. To help vent the
radios, Banner also sells a vented plug (model number BWA-HW-031) for the
1/2-inch NPT port of the SureCross radios.
Sure Cross
DX70 Wireless Point-to-Point Kits - Tel: 763.544.3164