4 Sync Master/Slave
Two LE250/550 Laser sensors may be used together in a single sensing application. To eliminate crosstalk between the
two sensors, configure one sensor to be the master and one to be the slave. In this mode, the sensors alternate taking
measurements and the response speed doubles.
1. Configure the first sensor as the master; navigate: MENU > INPUT > Type > SyncMstr.
2. Configure the second sensor as the slave; navigate: MENU > INPUT > Type > SyncSlve.
3. Connect the gray (input) wires of the two sensors together.
If using a combination of Class 1 and Class 2 laser models, the Class 1 laser model must be used as the master.
LE250/550 IO-Link Laser Gauging Sensors
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: 763.544.3164