2 DXMR90-4K Overview
Banner's DXMR90-4K IO-Link Master consolidates data from multiple sources to provide local data processing as well as
accessibility for host systems as a platform for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
The DXMR90-4K IO-Link Master can have multiple configurations. The DXMR90-4K will have a model number label on the
housing. Use the model number to identify which boards are included in the controller.
The DXMR90-4K contains four IO-link ports, allowing for concurrent communication to up to four IO-Link devices. Data is
collected into the internal logic controller to facilitate edge processing, protocol conversion to Industrial Ethernet, Modbus/
TCP, and pushing information to web servers. In addition to IO-Link devices, the IO-Link master can be used to transmit up
to eight discrete signals using pin 2 or pin 4 of the IO-link master ports.
The configurable IO-link master works with IO-link devices and allows for quick deployment of IO-link data to Ethernet/IP and
Modbus TCP, and Modbus RTU networks.
Local control or connectivity with:
Automation protocols including EtherNet/IP, Modbus/TCP, and Modbus RTU
Internet protocols including RESTful API and MQTT with web services from AWS
Logic processing and problem solving capable of deploying solutions to process and control data from multiple
Compact housing saves space and weight compared to traditional "block" style form factors
IP67 housing simplifies installation in any location by eliminating the need for a control cabinet
Consolidate cable runs to minimize cabling and associated weight, especially in weight critical applications such as
Flexible and Customizable—Expanded internal logic controller with action rules and ScriptBasic programming
DXMR90-4K IO-Link Master
www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767