Data sheet V1.141 X20(c)SC2212 Translation of the original documentation
18.4 Safety technology disclaimer
The proper use of all B&R products must be guaranteed by the customer through the implementation of suitable
training, instruction and documentation measures. The guidelines set forth in system user's manuals must be
taken into consideration here as well. B&R has no obligation to provide verification or warnings with regard to the
customer's purpose of using the delivered product.
Changes to the devices are not permitted when using safety-related components. Only certified products are per-
mitted to be used. Currently valid product versions in each case are listed in the corresponding certificates. Current
certificates are available on the B&R website (
) in the Downloads section for the respective
product. The use of non-certified products or product versions is not permitted.
All relevant information regarding these safety products must be read in the latest version of the related data
sheet and the corresponding safety notices observed before the safety products are permitted to be operated.
Certified data sheets are available on the B&R website (
) in the Downloads section for
the respective product.
B&R and its employees are not liable for any damages or loss resulting from the incorrect use of these products. The
same applies to misuse that may result from specifications or statements made by B&R in connection with sales,
support or application activities. It is the sole responsibility of the user to check all specifications and statements
made by B&R for proper application as it pertains to safety-related applications. In addition, the user assumes sole
responsibility for the proper design of the safety function as it pertains to safety-related applications.
18.5 X20 system characteristics
Because all X20 safety products are seamlessly integrated into the B&R base system, the same system charac-
teristics and user notices from the X20 system user's manual also apply to X20 safety products.
Possible failure of safety function
Malfunction of module due to unspecified operating conditions
The notes for installation and operation of the modules provided in the applicable documents must
be observed.
In this regard, this means the content and user notices in the following applicable documentation must be observed
for X20 safety products:
X20 system user's manual
Installation / EMC guide