BanaLogic BL-A100 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 65










































































































































































































Содержание BL-A100

Страница 1: ...North Carolina Analyzer System BL A100 User s Guide Delivering Business Enabling Solutions and Technologies ...

Страница 2: ...2 North Carolina Analyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 ...

Страница 3: ...11 Time Cost Estimate to Repair 11 Non Warranty Parts Lexmark E120n Printer 11 General Usage 12 Getting Help 14 Training Mode 15 State Inspection Menu Functions 16 Performing a Safety Inspection 16 Default Vehicle Make List 26 Safety and Emissions Inspection 32 Reinspection 37 Waivers 40 Analyzer Maintenance 42 Re Print Inspection Report 43 E Sticker Management 45 Purchase Additional E Stickers 46...

Страница 4: ...ftware Update 58 Background Information on Vehicle Emissions 61 Sources of Auto Emissions 61 The Combustion Process 61 Exhaust Pollutants 62 Evaporative Emissions 63 What Has Been Done to Control Automobile Emissions 63 How Much Does A Vehicle Emit 64 What Has Emission Control Meant for Air Quality 64 Health Impacts of Vehicle Exhaust 64 Replacing the Analyzer 65 Trouble Shooting Printing Issues 6...

Страница 5: ...n next section Lexmark E120n Laser printer with 600 dpi dots per inch resolution 8 meg of standard memory and USB port Includes 150 sheet paper tray located in the front of the printer Monitor The 17 LCD monitor is mounted onto the cart using 4 standard screws The Acer AL1716 has a 17 viewable area and is an active matrix and uses standard 110 voltage This model may be replaced with equivalent mod...

Страница 6: ...2 button mouse using non USB connectors Hand Scanner MS9544 VoyagerPDF hand scanner USB Key 1 Gig USB key used for backup purposes This key must be plugged into the back of the analyzer unit for it to function correctly This key is quite small and is about the width of a small finger and about 1 inch in length ...

Страница 7: ...emperature 32 to mperature 4 to 1 esign midity 20 to 80 l Power 8W Power Adapter e Auto sense 100 47 to 63 Hz sing nformation Analyzer System cal Specific y processor x AGP Graphics vel 2 Cache on CP sh Memory AGP 8x 2D 3D V x32bit color ing system memor pport Fast Ethernet Con 45 connector Jack rts 2 ector Expan V supported x1 Printer port panel 2 on the ba dem ower LED and LA ta WOL soft pow yst...

Страница 8: ... Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 Turning on the Analyzer The heart of BanaLogic s solution is the Analyzer This is the slim black box that sits in the middle of cabinet There are three components that must be powered on Analyzer Monitor Printer ...

Страница 9: ...nd configured Valid Inspector ID s and Access codes Note Training Mode may be accessed without this information E Stickers Purchased for Analyzer and or E Buyers has been setup to purchase from the Analyzer Paper has been added to the printer Asset Tags Model ID Each analyzer is a fixed with a unique identification number ...

Страница 10: ...nly ductor kit t typically la placed depen e number of d ced more freq of toner cove e of about 50 not come wit be found on nter packagin from Lexmar of the Long is 12035SA t can be prin e amount of t rsion 1 2 March 2 built robust test program n with stand t anner and pr y re calibrate ts are function found on Pg items to be re asts up to nds on spec f pages per jo quently How erage used o 00 pag...

Страница 11: ...a 770 344 0557 Time Cost Estimate to Repair After contacting the customer service repair center if it is determined a replacement is required it will be shipped to the customer overnight next business day if the request is received by 4 PM MST Mountain Standard Time at no cost to the station owner If it is received after 4 PM the new unit will be shipped the next business day A return label is inc...

Страница 12: ...ach type Screen Type Usages Navigation Informational Display information only no input is required There will be a message prompting for key to press to continue on Sometimes is may be any key or a specific key such as Y or N The screen will always indicate Single Entry Screen Capture single input string such as VIN license plate For keyboard entry the Enter key confirms input and proceeds to next...

Страница 13: ...le pages and can print out PgUp PgDn are used to navigate through multiple pages on the report Other keys to print and return to previous screen and generally provided in text at the bottom of the screen Aborting the Inspection Process o Many screens provide the ability to abort the inspection process by using the Esc key In all cases the inspector will be prompted to confirm the abort of the curr...

Страница 14: ...14 North Carolina Analyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 Getting Help The Verizon Station Help Desk can be reached at 1 888 333 0557 Monday Friday 8 00am 7 00 pm EST ...

Страница 15: ...quired to have a license to conduct the inspection and no valid inspection report will be printed Training Mode is accessed by selecting S State Inspection Menu from the main menu then selecting 8 Training Mode from the State Inspection Menu Training mode is identical to conducting a real inspection with the following differences Inspector Login is not required No VID contact is made No sticker is...

Страница 16: ...ain Menu the inspector mechanic will be prompted to enter an access id and password to perform any of the inspection procedures Performing a Safety Inspection To perform an initial safety inspection for a vehicle select 2 Safety Inspection Only from the State Inspection menu In order to perform a safety only inspection the analyzer must not have a lockout and contain one or more e stickers Item 1 ...

Страница 17: ...egin T Captur Safety Tampe Inspec VID Co Analyzer System r a regular veh vehicles ress enter to con ctor Logi re Vehic Test VID re Vehic Inspect ering Ins ction Res ontact User s Guide Ve hicle consists ntinue or scan I n le Inform D Contact le Detail ion Item pection sults F Print VI rsion 1 2 March 2 of eight basi ID from badge mation t s ms Items Fees R 2009 c steps ...

Страница 18: ...anually Number be prom VIN is en atch the insp e VIN a secon 2009 The inspecto ar code on th 12 digits in le and this info d or search l sible previous Vehicle Ident License Plate Registration L icle identifica the DMV y from the k s that are en mpted for a do ntered correct pector will be d time or can enter t he inspector b ength ormation is us ocally for ve s test records ification Num Number L...

Страница 19: ...y Press Y User s Guide Ve n required is pper case presented to rified and ent e Esc key Special VIN d by keyboard llowing chara nd trailers fo Y to accept the rsion 1 2 March 2 the license p the user for v ered it can no N Validation d contains an acters of I or model year e VIN or press 2009 plate The lice verification p o longer be ch n Rules I O or Q O or Q w r 1983 throug s N to re ente nse pl...

Страница 20: ...est Inspect inspect ctor will be pr o ensure the a s 2009 ds this conta rn any of the in the Applic the first attem e that the VIN pector will be ation is enter ions made th pt to contact t ation If there attempt the end of the ins ge indicating t on the state h nformation ab d to future sc make engine s tor will be pro tion exists and t is desired tor will be pro tion to a reins rompted to en app...

Страница 21: mation above list of all cou local databa keys on the k number besid confirm the s list of all pos search return User s Guide Ve Reading rs nt nt Unit of Me e is captured f unties in Nort ase search pr keyboard de the associa selection or F sible choices s previous ve rsion 1 2 March 2 easure for vehicles o th Carolina or ovides previo ated county F9 to return to for body styl ehicle informa 20...

Страница 22: ... lbs there is no prompt to enter the actual weight If a Y is selected the inspector will be prompted to enter the actual weight of the vehicle without decimal places The F9 key can be used to return to the previous screen if the user incorrectly selected a GVWR over 8500lbs Fuel Type The fuel type is selected from the list of choices using either the fuel type code single letter or using the keys ...

Страница 23: ...rules If the validation check fails the field containing the invalid data will be highlighted in red and the system will force a re entry Some values may be valid but must be verified because it is outside of an expected range For example an older model year car with a low mileage reading etc The user will be presented with a message and they may either correct it or press F10 to confirm entry of ...

Страница 24: ... years old or older a warning will again be displayed and allow the inspector to confirm this is indeed correct or allow update to the odometer reading Number of Cylinders Engine Displacement The expected range of engine size depends on the measured in units expected For Liters the expected value is less than or equal to 20 For CC the expected value is greater than 6000 For CI the expected value i...

Страница 25: ...e only applies to non trailer vehicles If the vehicle make is known from a previous inspection the 4 character make is shown on the screen and provides the inspector the ability to update For inspections with no previous vehicle data the user will be prompted to select the vehicle make from either the domestic light duty foreign light duty or heavy duty make list Only model year is required for tr...

Страница 26: ...Default Vehicle Make List ...

Страница 27: ... types a Not nly nly be entere may only be en completed a ction subsyst N passed sub of the inspecti ndow Tinting or an entry of mpering insp rsion 1 2 March 2 etermine the test or an OB e safety and t t Applicable m d for Lighting ntered for Dir all safety insp tems will be bsystems will ion will be list an entry of f N ection seque 2009 sequence of BDII scan Fo tampering ins may only be e g Sign...

Страница 28: ...ection m E P or N wi D contact no pt will be disp he tampering Tampering In a DMV Parts e blind entry e PEN12345 parts exemp E as if a P Pa rsion 1 2 March 2 performed fo ormed and t anic through t may receive a ll be allowed o vehicle mat played asking inspection m nspection Item s exemption w Parts Exemp 5678 ption number ass was enter 2009 or all vehicle he vehicle is the tamperin a parts exem ...

Страница 29: ...29 Entering of At the end North Carolina A Parts Exemptio d of the inspe Analyzer System n ection a scree User s Guide Ve en will display rsion 1 2 March 2 y the overall t 2009 test results ...

Страница 30: ...ction ion was a Pa tion Identific At this point his point the Statement me call to the VID e analyzer w rsion 1 2 March 2 et Safety Em iate test fee on fee sticke Market Safet desired inspe n the inspect nt fee from th will not be n fee provided ass and an e cation Numbe the inspectio e inspection enu option D After the ill display the 2009 issions Inspe from the val er fee if appl y Emissions I e...

Страница 31: ...orth Carolina Analyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 The inspector must attempt to print at least one copy of the inspection record prior to using the Esc to return to the State Inspection Menu ...

Страница 32: ...Con Analyzer System ions Inspe on inspection e on OBDII an on inspection or a regular ve or Login e Vehicle est VID Co e Vehicle esting nspection ing Inspe ion Result ntact Pr User s Guide Ve ection option is invo nalyzers process is ide ehicle consist Informati ontact Details n Items ction Item ts Fees rint VIR rsion 1 2 March 2 oked by selec entical to the s of nine basi ion ms s 2009 ction 1 fr...

Страница 33: ...p 4a is differe ail Initial O KeyOff Count Prompt Start E OBD Co OBD Co Analyzer System ent in the OB OBD Prom Prompt Down tim t for Con ngine ommunic omplete User s Guide Ve DII inspection mpt mer nnection cation rsion 1 2 March 2 n The OBD i 2009 inspection process in step 4a is shown in ...

Страница 34: s Guide Ve to connect t ata Link Conn connector can rsion 1 2 March 2 The count d 12 seconds w position he OBDII cab nector locatio nnot be found 2009 own timer w with the ignit le There are on look up inf d No test rec ill force the in tion key rema three possib formation ord will be w nspector to w aining at the o le choices written wait off ...

Страница 35: ... is found ring portions from the DM en made the i s communica vehicle the i communicat rsion 1 2 March 2 d but is dama but the over MV if this vehi nspector will ation with the nspector will ion 3 times b 2009 ged or inope rall result will cle requires a be prompted e OBDII comp be presented efore being a rable The tes l always be a an OBD test b d to start the uter on the v d with a scree allowed...

Страница 36: ...ring inspect DII reinspectio spection were User s Guide Ve hen the OBDI e displayed u tions if requi on you may n e a pass rsion 1 2 March 2 I portion of t unless aborted ired for an in not be promp 2009 he test has be d for readine nitial inspectio pted for the sa een complete ss The test on afety items if ed No result will then con all items on t ts of ntinue the ...

Страница 37: ... a ve ommunication s to locate pr hin the past 3 either returne al inspection teps 4 throug rsion 1 2 March 2 cting 3 from t spection exce e choice of a entical to an hicle match t n or failing to revious inspe 30 days effec ed from the By selecting h 8 with the f 2009 he State Insp ept that the t a Safety Emis initial inspect that will bring o find a matc ection data T ctive 1 1 2009 VID or foun ...

Страница 38: ... on is done at User s Guide Ve be changed ading The ins rtion of the t which receive spection In th on items are identical to t the same stat rsion 1 2 March 2 during the r spector will b est ed a fail on th he following e only presente he initial insp tion within th 2009 reinspection be prompted he previous in example 5 ite ed if a fail wa pection howe he allowed tim process with to enter the nsp...

Страница 39: ...r l VIRS print o Analyzer System rinting of the ut there is an User s Guide Ve VIRS are iden n indicator on rsion 1 2 March 2 ntical to the i n the report to 2009 nitial inspect o indicate thi ion The only s test is a re i y difference is inspection s on ...

Страница 40: ... motorist will return to the inspection station where the vehicle failed to pass the previous inspection The inspector mechanic will use the analyzer to enter the waiver authorization number to complete the inspection and issue an e sticker authorization There are 5 types of waivers 1 Safety Emissions Reinspection using a Repair Waiver 2 Safety Emissions Reinspection using a Non Communication Waiv...

Страница 41: ...rd to the monitor readiness status The analyzer will proceed to the safety and tampering inspection sequences as in an initial emission inspection If the vehicle fails the overall test results a Fail will be record and printed on the VIRS If a subsequent Waiver Authorization number is required to pass the vehicle the new waiver authorization number will be recorded in the test record and printed o...

Страница 42: ...The analyzer maintenance menu is activated by an entry of 5 from the State Inspection Menu This presents a set of analyzer maintenance functions that may be performed by the inspector mechanic For OBDII and safety only analyzers this menu function provides only for the status of the analyzer ...

Страница 43: ...ds on the analyzer and print duplicate receipt statements for previous inspections completed on this analyzer The analyzer will not require the completion of all fields but at least one 1 field must be completed and F10 pressed to begin the search If more than one test record matches the search criteria a list will be presented to the inspector to navigate through The keys are used to change the s...

Страница 44: ...rt displayed is identical to the initial report with the exception of the word Duplicate printed on the upper left corner of the report If only one record matches the search criteria the matching inspection list is by passed and the VIRS is displayed immediately after the search is executed ...

Страница 45: ...r other means the VID will repopulate the analyzer with the proper number of e sticker authorizations for each class of inspections upon a successful data file refresh E sticker authorization books for Emission Inspections and Safety Inspections are issued with fifty 50 e sticker authorizations to a book Inspection station owner managers authorized buyers may purchase a book of a particular class ...

Страница 46: ...Carolina A se Additiona hase of E Stick asers that are ls Analyzer System al E Stickers kers is a 4 ste e also technic User s Guide Ve s ep process cians the E Bu rsion 1 2 March 2 uyer ID and p 2009 password are the same as t the inspector r login ...

Страница 47: ...ers are allowed to be purchased If the current e sticker inventory is equal to or greater than 50 for the selected class the analyzer will display the following message and then return to the state inspection menu Additional e sticker authorizations cannot be obtained at this time for the inspection Class selected Press the Enter Key to Continue This is the last chance to cancel the order ...

Страница 48: ...urchase ceipt from E Stic Analyzer System he system wi is successful cker Purchase User s Guide Ve ill either deny the local inve rsion 1 2 March 2 y or authorize entory will be 2009 e the purchas e updated and se of addition d a receipt w al e stickers ill be displaye If ed ...

Страница 49: ...ivat ws the inspe ate problems y intended to User s Guide Ve ted by an en ector mechan you must c identify futur rsion 1 2 March 2 try of 9 from nic to propo contact your re changes 2009 m the State In ose changes local DMV r it cannot fix i spection Me to the ana representativ immediate pr nu The Feed lyzer softwa ve The Feed roblems dback re or dback ...

Страница 50: ...nalyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 The feedback report should be printed and mailed to North Carolina Division of Air Quality Mobile Source Compliance Branch 1641 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1641 ...

Страница 51: ...ayed upon selection of 10 from the State Inspection Menu The analyzer will be designed to provide assistance to the inspector with references for OBDII connector locations using the DLCREF file After selection of this menu item the contents of the DLCREF file will be displayed on the analyzer screen The content of the DLCREF file is maintained and updated from the VID ...

Страница 52: ...e Version 1 2 March 2009 Print Inspection fee Pie Chart OBDII Only Analyzer Selection of option 11 of the State Inspection Menu will print a stand alone safety emissions inspection fee pie chart This menu item is applicable to OBDII Only analyzers ...

Страница 53: screen based on the diagnostic result Modem Serial Port Diagnostics will determine if the serial port on the analyzer is functioning Dial Tone Check will test out the phone line This function performs a basic pick up of the phone and listens for the dial tone Network Diagnostics will contact the VID and perform basic loop back Testing Data File Lockout Status Refresh This feature allows station...

Страница 54: ...l record all attempts to contact the VID and the resulting status message Communication logs are organized by day Logs may be quite large depending on the number of tests conducted during a day To select a communications log for printing use the keys to scroll through the list or press the number on the left of the menu corresponding to the day you wish to review Only 14 days of communication logs...

Страница 55: ...Selection of this menu item allows station personnel to print a Station License Report The purpose of the license report is to produce a document that must be posted in a public place at the station The report displays station information and lists all inspector mechanics employed at the station ...

Страница 56: ... Dia ature ime you acces rs Once this is provider data User s Guide Ve accessed usi l up internet ss this menu f s done there i changes rsion 1 2 March 2 ng 5 from Sta access a su function you is no need to 2009 ation Menu T ubscription to will need to s setup the int This menu ite o the ALLData setup the inte ernet configu em allows acc a online servic rnet configur uration again cess ce is ratio...

Страница 57: ...n is used by Verizon Business to maintain an inventory of equipment in the field You may be asked to access this function while on a support call or during the replacement of equipment There is no need to access this function at any other time Display Network Configuration The display network configuration option is accessed by selecting 7 from the Station Menu This function is strictly used for s...

Страница 58: ... the bottom left corner of the screen Only when there are software updates available for download does the menu function 10 Download Software Update appear on the Station Menu You should only initiate the software update function when you have some time that the analyzer will not be used Depending on the nature of the software update phone line quality etc It can take upwards of 20 minutes to comp...

Страница 59: ... Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 Once the software update process has started the screen will be updated as each of the files is downloaded The actual files to be downloaded will vary and depends on the nature of what has changed for the update ...

Страница 60: ... User s Guide Ve eted you wil s been reboot main menu Pl version after lyzer Status R rsion 1 2 March 2 l be prompte ted it may tak ease be patie an update Fr Report The so 2009 ed to re boot ke several sec ent while the rom the Stati oftware versio the analyzer conds before analyzer upd ion Menu Cho on is listed at the black scr dates the soft oose Analyze t the bottom o een tware r of the ...

Страница 61: ...fuel in an engine Pollution from cars comes in three ways By products of the combustion process tailpipe exhaust Evaporation of fuel during the refuelling process From the vehicle fuel system The Combustion Process Most vehicle fuels including gasoline diesel natural gas and ethanol are mixtures of hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain hydrogen and carbon atoms In a perfect engine o...

Страница 62: ...ditions in an engine nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air we breathe react to form various nitrogen oxides collectively known as NOx Nitrogen oxides like hydrocarbons are precursors to the formation of ozone They also contribute to the formation of acid rain Carbon Monoxide CO Carbon monoxide is a product of incomplete combustion and occurs when carbon in the fuel is partially oxidized rather than...

Страница 63: ... gasoline contained lead leaded fuel that reduced the effectiveness of catalysts and as a result 1975 also saw the widespread introduction of unleaded gasoline This resulted in dramatic reductions in ambient lead levels and alleviated many serious environmental and human health concerns associated with lead pollution The next major milestone in vehicle emission control technology came in 1980 and ...

Страница 64: forming hydrocarbons can be attributed to a relatively small number of super dirty cars that are poorly maintained and or whose emission control systems are not working properly With much of this in mind and with ozone continuing to present urban air pollution problems the U S EPA Tier 2 vehicle emission control programs emphasize extremely significant hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide reductions...

Страница 65: ...erations of the analyzer in any way will void the manufacturer s warranty In the event there is an issue with the analyzer that requires replacement you will be shipped a new analyzer already configured with your station information You will be provided with directions on how to return the broken analyzer For additional information please refer to the Need Help Online menu option from the main men...

Страница 66: ...llowing table shows a close up diagram to help identify each of the connections Mouse Keyboard Connectors Monitor Connection USB Printer Connection Phone Line Connection may be a different color each as gray or white Serial Connection for hand scanner likely to be gray in color ...

Страница 67: ...rk E120n The following is the front panel you will see on the printer If you are experiencing printing issues check the front panel to see if any of the lights indicate further trouble The printer manual from Lexmark to help diagnosis general printer problems can be found at http www lexmark com publications pdfs 2007 e120 ug_en pdf ...

Страница 68: ... able t el This should s are off this User s Guide Ve to print at all d print out two may indicate rsion 1 2 March 2 press the gre o diagnostic p e a hardware 2009 een arrow loc pages If this issue with the cated on the t is unable to p e printer top right of th print and all he other ...

Страница 69: ...69 North Carolina Analyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 Trouble Shooting Scanner Issues How to use the Scanner ...

Страница 70: your support center to reset the scanner to factory defaults It is accomplished by doing the following 1 Power up the scanner 2 Scan the enter exit configuration mode bar code you will hear 3 beeps 3 Scan the bar code to recall defaults you will hear 1 beep 4 Scan the enter exit configuration mode bar code you will hear 3 beeps to save the new configuration ...

Страница 71: ...71 North Carolina Analyzer System User s Guide Version 1 2 March 2009 Connecting the Scanner ...
