North
Carolina
Analyzer
System
–
User’s
Guide
Version
1.2
March
Upon
entry
of
any
of
the
first
four
menu
items,
the
system
will
dial
‐
out
and
authenticate
to
your
internet
service
provider.
Only
when
you
exit
the
“Other
Service
Products
Menu”
will
the
modem
disconnect.
Asset
Tracking
The
asset
tracking
screen
is
used
by
Verizon
Business
to
maintain
an
inventory
of
equipment
in
the
field.
You
may
be
asked
to
access
this
function
while
on
a
support
call
or
during
the
replacement
of
equipment.
There
is
no
need
to
access
this
function
at
any
other
time.
Display
Network
Configuration
The
display
network
configuration
option
is
accessed
by
selecting
from
the
Station
Menu.
This
function
is
strictly
used
for
support
purposes.
The
support
center
may
direct
you
to
access
this
menu
function
during
a
technical
support
call.