2 Installation & Operation
Installation Procedure:
1. Verify that the motor shaft is compatible with fan hub design and that the planned mounting surface is
compatible with the opposite drive end flange mounting hole configuration.
2. Verify that the fan is properly balanced prior to lowering down onto the motor shaft.
3. Follow all safety lock out and tag out procedures for confined space installation.
4. Ensure that the cooling tower motor mounting surface is flat and mechanically suitable for the cooling
tower motor flange mounting.
5. Lower the motor in place using the four motor eye bolts.
6. Level the motor with respect to the base. Use a dial indicator on top of the motor feet and verify that
foot deflection does not exceed 0.005 in (0.125 mm) as the mounting bolts are tightened.
7. Shims should be used under motor feet to prevent excessive deflection that causes permanent
deformation of the motor feet.
8. Secure the motor to the cooling tower structure with flange mounting bolts, not provided.
9. Tighten the flange mounting bolts to the proper torque specification.
10. Lower and mount the fan hub directly onto the motor shaft making sure that the proper blade tip
clearance and proper fan blade height is maintained for the specific tower requirements.
Make sure the fan is tightened securely to prevent parts from flying off during fan rotation.
Mechanically lock or tie down the fan to prevent rotation as voltage will be produced even when
the PM motor is totally disconnected from the power source.
Accurate alignment of the motor within the cooling tower structure is extremely important.
Mechanical vibration and roughness during operation may indicate poor alignment. Use dial indicators
to check alignment. The space between fan hub and motor should be checked and maintained as
recommended by the fan manufacturer.
This Manual:http://www.manuallib.com/baldor/mn427-inverter-duty-pm-motors-manual.html