Starting Position
Lie on left side with ribs, hips and thigh nestled between rollers. Left hand
is extended out with palm flat on floor. Right arm is lengthened along right
sideline. Left leg is bent at 90 degrees for stability. Right leg extends at hip
Movement Sequence
Inhale: Reach right hand towards right foot, and side bend to the right to lift
off the rollers.
Exhale: Continue to lift higher.
Inhale: Reach right arm to ceiling without losing the “height” of the side bend.
Exhale: Articulate spine to lower down.
Repeat other side.
Nestle your body in between the rollers.
Use headrest on side of thigh or ribcage for extra cushioning.
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1-800-PILATES | +1-916-388-2838
pilates.com | [email protected]
400-405 | 07.02.18