Pelvic Lift, Level 2
Springs: 2 - 3
Headrest: Down
Breath – exhale up, inhale back, exhale in, inhale roll down
Hamstring and gluteal strengthening
Abdominal hollowing
Pelvic stability
Spinal mobility
Back problems, limited knee flexion, limit roll up with cervical problems
Mat Pelvic Press
Starting position
Lying supine, ball of feet or heels on bar, legs parallel or V-feet and hips
externally rotated
Standard Exercise
Roll pelvis up off the carriage, push back, keeping hips at one level, bring carriage
in, roll down
Leg positions
Legs parallel, heels under sit bones
Legs parallel and inner thighs together
Legs in Pilates V with heels together
Heel frame width apart with the hips turned out.
Arm Work, Level 1 - 2
4 - 10 reps Springs: 1-2
Box: long, short or none
Loops: very short, short or regular
Breath – inhale pull/exhale release
Biceps, triceps, pectoralis and deltoid strengthening
Scapular stabilization
Torso stabilization
Sitting posture
Wrist, arm or shoulder problems, back problems with limited sitting ability
Sitting variations for all exercises
Sitting on carriage, cross-legged, legs straight or kneeling
Exercises Facing the Straps
Holding very short loops in hands, bend elbows to pull straps to shoulders.
Triceps/Posterior Deltoid
Loops in hands, arms straight, pull straps back level with hips and pulse arms back
Exercises Facing Footbar
Serve a tray
Sitting facing footbar, regular loops in hands, elbows bent, reach forward,
straighten arms, open arms to the side palm up and return
Hug a tree
Sitting facing footbar, regular loops in hands, arms out to sides, soft elbows, bring
fingertips toward each other
Serve a tray
Hug a tree